
Year 10: It’s never too soon to start thinking about university

UniFest 2020 is taking place virtually next week (Monday 29th June to Friday 3rd July). Everyone in Year 10 is welcome to take part. 

What is UniFest?

UniFest is an online event, run by local universities, which lets you explore university. You will get the opportunity to attend mini taster lectures to see what studying at university is like; you will hear from current students about life at university and there will even be virtual campus tours. Please see the attached poster for more information.

I’m interested. How does it work?

On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Miss Killick will email everyone in Year 10 a link to an online presentation. You don’t need to access this immediately, as some of you will be in school or attending live lessons and these take priority. You can therefore access the presentations at a time that suits you. The only element you need to access live is the Question and Answer session on Thursday afternoon at 4.00pm. 

Keep an eye out for the emails next week.


UDOIT Dance Foundation

When UDOIT Dance Foundation advertised the UK National Dance Championships was going to be held online this year as a virtual competition, dance teacher Miss Salmon messaged the pupils to ask if they would like to participate virtually. 

The pupils their videos through for checking prior to sending them off and we have had some success. We have four students who are now through to the next round! 

  • E Tivnan Year 11
  • D McGuirk Year 10
  • E Sammons Year 8
  • R Mardenborough Year 8

Miss Salmon said: "They have represented Barr Beacon in a professional manner and I’m very proud of them."

We will keep you updated after the next round.

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Charity Baking

We are very proud of H. Hussain, one of our Year 12 students.  She has used Lockdown as an opportunity to put her baking skills into practice and earn money for charity.

What started as a hobby to give her something to do besides schoolwork has turned into a successful cake selling venture with all proceeds going to the Penny Appeal, which aids people in more than 30 crisis-hit countries. So far she has raised £1042.55!

Next on the agenda is to bake cakesicles for NHS staff at Walsall Manor Hospital to thank them for all the hard work they continue to do during this difficult time.

You can find out more about the Penny Appeal charity HERE.


Senior Team Blog: Black Lives Matter

By H. Kumar-Mehay, Head Girl

The world may seem to be a scary place right now. But the scariest thing of all is the thought of turning a blind eye to the issues in our society, the thought of not educating ourselves. Not just on the health issues that our world faces today but the social issues that people of colour, in particular that black people, face every day.

Over the past few weeks, the problems that face black people every day have suddenly caught the mainstream media’s attention and now hopefully yours. It seems that every few years the Black Lives Matter movement appears as ‘important’ as if these lives are only to be cared over a certain period of time. These problems, however, are not short term for this community. Unfortunately, it seems as if these problems that are faced are ones that have an unlimited lifespan. We cannot live in a world where a person’s skin colour determines if some people will come back home to their families. People should be able to live their lives without the constant fear of getting stopped for appearing ‘suspicious’, determining if they will live to see another day or die.

We should refuse to ignore this truth and refuse to not share this truth with others. If you are unaware of the problems that black people face today, I am not here to advise you to do some research. I am here to tell you that you must. You must research and educate yourselves to help fix a system built upon discrimination and antagonism. To help build a future we all deserve, we must be better so we can live in a world where we are emancipated from the destructiveness of injustice that affects black people today. In this day and age, it is simply not enough to not be racist. We need to be to actively anti-racist.

Thank you.

To all those black individuals who have lost their lives to injustice, we will fight for peace so that you can rest in peace. Here are some of those names. Names we must never forget.

Educate yourself

Reading list


BLM movement


White privilege and ally meaning


Links to educate




Where to donate if you can: https://linktr.ee/actionDONATE

Links for petitions

Sign the petition to issue a State executive order to hold police accountable for unlawful action

Sign the petition for British schools to implement teaching British children about black history here.

Sign the petition to Suspend UK export of tear gas, rubber bullets and riot shields to USA

Sign the petition for the UK government to condemn President Trump’s response to BLM protests here.

Sign the Justice for Belly Mujinga petition here.

Sign the Justice for Breonna Taylor petition here.

Sign the Justice for Tony McDade petition here.

Sign the Reopen Sandra Bland’s case petition here.

Sign the petition to raise the degree for Derek Chauvin’s murder charge here.

Sign the petition to battle racism by updating GCSE reading lists

Sign the petition to make it compulsory for Anti-Racism Education in U​.​K. Schools


STEM Event by Loughborough University

Year 9, 10 and 11 girls: FREE 3 day online STEM event by Loughborough University

Girls in Years 9, 10 and 11 are being offered a wonderful opportunity to sign up to Loughborough University’s online virtual STEM residential event. This is sponsored by Ford Motor company.

The event will feature STEM Taster sessions delivered by university staff, which including robotics, renewable technology and much more. There will be talks from successful women in varied STEM careers and guidance on researching your future options. Also, you can explore what university life would be like at a top Russell Group university with virtual campus tours and related videos. You will have the chance to talk to Loughborough students live on the web chats.

This is an opportunity not to be missed, and an experience that will help to enrich your personal statements and career profiles. Places can be booked HERE


The Big Bang Fair

YEAR 7, 8 and 9

You are invited to attend the Virtual Big Bang Fair this Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th June, from 1.00pm each day.

This fair is all about STEM. Take part in hands on STEM challenges, quizzes, competitions and activities or watch live sessions showing you all the amazing possibilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

Follow the link below to get involved and use the password: StaffsUni2020 to enter. 


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University Guidance Events

We have emailed this to pupils in Years 11 and 12 already but anyone can take part. It is never too early to start researching universities.
UK University Search Virtual Fair - Wednesday 17th June https://ukuniversitysearch.vfairs.com/

Virtual Open Days
UCAS have created a very handy tool, which showcases all of the virtual university opportunities in one place. Virtual open days, webinars, subject taster sessions… you simply filter by what you are looking for, and off you go: https://www.ucas.com/ucas/events/find/type/open-day


Senior Five 2020/2021

Introducing our 2020-2021 Senior Five.

Since starting at this school in 2014, saying that I have changed from that shy and timid boy to who I am today is a bit of an understatement! This change I can only attribute to this school. Over the years, Barr Beacon School has given me countless amounts of opportunities, such as the Erasmus trip to Sweden and a residential at the University of Exeter. Experiences like this have aided in my character development and if you had asked Year 7 Ibrahim whether he’d see himself as Head Boy, he would’ve told you it was never going to happen! I know now that nothing is impossible, and my story can show you that anyone can dream BIG and achieve. With the staff support, you can excel in not only academic areas but with your skills and character development too. Barr Beacon School will prepare you for life beyond Year 11 or Year 13. So whatever route you may take, it will be perfect for you.

I am humbled to hold the prestigious role of Head Boy at Barr Beacon School, and, as your Head Boy, I want you to know you can always approach me with any questions or ideas you may have or to just have a chat! I’m here to listen, and I am here to represent YOU!

I.Sohail | Head Boy

Being able to say ‘yes’ to taking up of all the opportunities that have been given to me by Barr Beacon School is a privilege that I have never taken for granted. Joining the school in 2014, not only have I seen myself grow academically, I have seen growth within myself as I have developed numerous invaluable personal skills from the many opportunities that I said ‘yes’ to. Being part of a school that has provided me with a plethora of exciting opportunities, which have helped mould me into the young woman I am today, is something for which I am truly grateful. Due to the school, I have been able to take part in my Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, partake in a student exchange project in Sicily, gain valuable volunteering experience within the school and in the community, obtain three different healthcare-related work experience weeks and, gain interview skills with the University of Birmingham, providing me with support for my future after sixth form. These are only a few of the opportunities that the school provides to unleash the true potential of its students and, as Head Girl, I hope to introduce many more.

I hold the utmost pride at being part of a school which values its students and their self-growth. Thus, I am beyond humbled to be the Head Girl for a school that helps to pave the path for a journey of academia but a journey that will ignite the start of the rest of our futures.

H.Kumar-Mehay | Head Girl

I feel extremely privileged to be Barr Beacon’s Deputy Head Boy. After being in the school since Year 7, I have always sought after responsibility and now I will do my best to represent everyone in the school and the wider community. I am looking forward to working with other members of the Senior 5 to create a sense of togetherness between staff, pupils and parents. I was selected to be a Prefect in Year 11 and in this role I looked after numerous new Year 7 pupils and helped them settle into their Barr Beacon journey. Since joining Sixth Form in September, I have been given once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that will help me succeed in my future, both in and outside of school. For example, I went to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in February where I witnessed first-hand the horrors of the Nazi regime. I am extremely humbled to be representing a prestigious school like Barr Beacon and I hope that with everyone working together we can continue the great work the previous Senior Team did whilst adding some of our new ideas and maintaining the outstanding reputation Barr Beacon school has.     

J.Anderson | Deputy Head Boy

Since 2014, when I first started at Barr Beacon, I have been provided with a welcoming, happy, safe and supportive environment where everybody’s achievements are celebrated and where everyone is treated equally. Throughout my journey at Barr Beacon, I have been gifted with endless opportunities and experiences which have allowed me to blossom into the individual I am today. Throughout, thanks to the consistent help and support that has been provided to me, I have been able to accomplish more than I ever hoped I would. The incredible Sixth Form team is always there to provide an amazing support system and all staff go above and beyond in order to create the best environment for all pupils. Some of the experiences I have had include travelling to foreign destinations such as Iceland and Germany, representing the school in sporting events, and being selected to be Head Prefect and now Deputy Head Girl. This would not have been achievable without the incredible encouragement from all staff at Barr Beacon and therefore I am extremely proud to be a member of this school. 

E.Allen | Deputy Head Girl

Barr Beacon School has presented me with a plethora of opportunities that have not only helped to shape my individuality, but they have also allowed me to build resilience and discover my true academic potential. With encouragement from teachers and a strive to ensure we are all ‘Proud to Succeed’, the school has persistently proffered various challenges to all pupils, allowing them to question their preconceptions and develop their abilities to adapt to new situations. Throughout my journey at Barr Beacon, I have been able to find myself as a person with the rigorous support and encouragement provided by the versatile teachers, career advisers and all other staff members. For this, I am more than grateful to have been a member of this school, and I am proud go represent the Barr Beacon as Deputy Head Boy. I will be forever grateful for my experiences at Barr Beacon as they have inevitably shaped me into the young adult I am today, and will hopefully have shaped me into the successful adult I strive to be in the future.

M.Hill | Deputy Head Boy


Pride Month Home Learning

June is Pride Month around the world. It celebrates the advances made in LGBTQ+ equality since the Stonewall riots in New York City, USA in June 1969. The British charity Stonewall (named for the historic event) has produced these resources for home learning. They include activities for history, English. creative subjects and maths. Our top pick is the maths pack which has questions using statistics around LGBTQ+ equality.

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2025 © All Rights Reserved
