
Self-Care and Mental Health

Written by Deputy Head Students Hannah N and Mazin E.

Self-care is vital in maintaining positive mental well-being. It is the process of caring for your individual needs and allowing your body to relax by doing things you enjoy. As discussed within school during Mental Health Week, a healthy mental state is vital as it impacts on all aspects of our social and intellectual lives.

With the holidays near approaching, whether you are celebrating during the Christmas period or not, having a break from school can be a positive way to spend time with friends and family, catch up on work, mentally recover from the demands of school and prepare for the new year.

With lockdown measures no longer in place, we can venture out more than we have done over the last two Christmas periods.  It is also important to make sure that whilst out, meeting up with friends, we stay safe.

Mental and physical health is important to be cared for holistically. Positive physical health, such as through exercise, can also have positive impacts on mental health as endorphins and dopamine are released giving us that ‘feel good' factor. 

Here are some ideas that you may find helpful to try in promoting more positive mental health:

  • Going on walks
  • Trying a new hobby
  • Watching shows or films that you enjoy
  • Setting revision boundaries and allocating time to rest
  • Getting involved in sports or clubs

Our mental well-being is a core principle of our daily lives. It impacts on how we function in a plethora of activities and therefore, we must sustain a good work-life balance and avoid the harmful effects of neglecting this.

Sometimes we can feel anxious and display behaviours due to the circumstances surrounding us.  We can combat these ‘down’ feelings by having a routine, whereby you can, for instance, work for a few hours a day with regularly timed breaks and then reward yourself when you have finished by partaking in a fun activity such as going out with friends to the cinema.

Sustaining your mental health in this way increases the overall efficiency of your work so you get the best of both worlds. Additionally, there are many activities after school that you can take part in such as puzzle club, sports and many more.

We hope you may have found interest in the points that we have raised to outline the importance of mental health and caring for your self-care.  Perhaps this blog has allowed you to spark more interest in you being able to discover something you can do to help improve your overall mental health.

Links for support:

Links for further reading :


Adapting to Change

Written by Head Students Daniel P, Makara M and Dilraaj K.

Her Majesty the Queen served our country for 70 years. She has left a legacy as the longest serving British monarch and the longest reigning female monarch in world history. Queen Elizabeth became an international icon who worked alongside 15 British Prime Ministers. She was not only a mother, grandmother and great grandmother to her family, but she was akin to a grandmother to our generation.

From being a mechanic during the Second World War to becoming Head of the Commonwealth, the Queen was nothing short of outstanding. She endured many hardships during her reign, yet continued to portray devotion and selflessness to the Commonwealth. On 8th September 2022, Her Majesty’s death touched the hearts of many people around the world.  During the period of mourning thousands of people, from home and overseas, paid their respects to Her Majesty and reflected on the remarkable work that she carried out during her reign.

Now, as we start a new era under the reign of King Charles III, we will all experience some level of change.  We will have new coins and notes, postage stamps will look different, the words to our national anthem will be amended slightly and, with the line of succession to the throne shifting, many of us will never know another queen in our lifetime.

As well as the country changing, many of us have been going through our own individual changes: Year 7 have made the transition from primary to secondary school; Year 11 have transitioned into Sixth Form; we have all moved on to the next stage of our journey at Barr Beacon School and there are new faces amongst the staff.

Change is a part of life which we all experience and embrace, making the most of new opportunities that will help us grow as a person and help us to adjust to new circumstances.  Some of us will take longer than others to adjust to change. Our advice to you all would be to look back at the past with fondness and to look forward to the future with excitement, as there are many great things to come. Although it is perfectly natural to feel anxious, it is always good to talk about your feelings and to seek advice from those you trust.

“It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.” - Queen Elizabeth II.


Year 12: Colour Fun Run

To mark the end of their mock examinations, our Year 12 students took part in a Colour Fun Run on Wednesday 6th July.  The weather was much kinder to us this time and all participants had a fun packed afternoon!

Here are some comments from the students after the event:-

“A great way to end our busy first year of Sixth Form, with our friends!”

“The colour run was loads of fun and a good way to interact with the whole year group. I came out of it looking insane and got a few weird looks walking home but it was definitely worth it!”

“I’m so glad I participated. It was really good as it got the whole year group together. Would love to do it again next year!”

“The Colour Run was amazing! We had so much fun and lots of memories were made! I can’t wait to do the next one!

“I really enjoyed the Colour Run.  I think it was a great way to spend time with friends and relax after mocks!”


Student Ambassadors

Congratulations to our Year 12 students on their successful appointments for the various lead roles.  We are looking forward to working with them over the next 12 months as they bring new and exciting ideas to their roles, building on the success and legacy left behind by their predecessors. They will all be working towards making Barr Beacon the best it can be so that all pupils and students feel accomplished and ‘proud to succeed’.


Meet The New Senior Team

Congratulations to the new Student Leadership Team on their successful appointments.  We are very much looking forward to working with you over the next twelve months.  Interviews for the other lead roles are underway – it is always exciting to see the new ideas that are brought to the table.

A message from our Senior Five

We are both truly honoured to have the opportunity to represent Barr Beacon School as your new Head Students. There have been high standards set in previous years for this role and we are looking to build upon these with creative ideas and unique initiative.

Our efforts will be directed to the students of Barr Beacon School, to motivate and mentor all individuals so that they can say they are proud to succeed. We strive to be open minded, approachable and adaptable to every situation that presents itself to us.

Throughout the next year, we look forward to working closely with our Deputies and teachers to implement a plethora of ideas that will enhance the Barr Beacon journey so that every pupil can look back on their time here with a sense of pride and joy.

Makara and Daniel

We are truly honoured to be given this incredible opportunity to be representing Barr Beacon School as Deputy Head Students. We will do our best to guide and be of support to both students and teachers throughout the school. We have a responsibility to encourage, motivate and care for students and we will support Makara and Daniel in trying our best to ensure everybody reaches their full potential.

As a team we will ensure to pursue the legacy of the previous senior teams, and plan to spark change, innovation and adaptive thinking at Barr Beacon School. With ideas of originality already in mind, we strive to make Barr Beacon a place every student is supported to reach their goals and ambitions.

Hannah, Mazin and Dilraaj

In 2016, when I first stepped foot into Barr Beacon School, I had no idea how much the school would support me and help me to progress into the young adult that I am today.

Throughout my years here, I have been encouraged, motivated and guided into achieving the best that I can in my studies, as well as being given countless opportunities ranging from taster days at universities to taking the lead on charity events run by the school.  These experiences have helped me to develop personally and to continually strive to better myself. 

I am delighted to have been selected to take on the role of Head Student.  The role will further encourage me to work harder and motivate not only myself, but others too, whilst we all strive to succeed. I want to ensure that all pupils are presented with equal opportunities and are pushed to ultimately be the very best that they can be.

I am ready to embark on the final part of my journey at Barr Beacon School by taking on this honourable role with pride and passion, allowing me to give my all back to the school that has created so many great memories and experiences for me.

Daniel P – Head Student

Throughout my 6 years at Barr Beacon School, I have been provided with opportunities to develop skills needed not only for my academic studies, but also for life after Sixth Form. From attending university taster days in Year 7, to taking part in the Lord Mayor’s Quiz in Year 12, I have been supported so that I can develop the confidence and ability to excel in everything I have set my mind to so far.

Taking on the role of Head Student will be a new and interesting challenge which I am excited to succeed in with the continued support of Barr Beacon School. I could never have imagined when I first joined in 2016 that I would reach where I am now. I sincerely look forward to working with the staff and students of the school that I hold so much respect for, to help all students feel able to say that they are determined and proud to be a part of Barr Beacon School.

Makara M - Head Student

Since joining the school in 2016, I have flourished from a young student into a young adult who has grown in confidence, knowledge and compassion. Barr Beacon School has supported me through every step of my journey here, both personally and academically.

Barr Beacon has given me the support and encouragement to try new things and achieve the unimaginable. It has allowed me to aim high and reach my full potential. I thank the school for the many opportunities I have been provided with, from testing my endurance during the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, to receiving the honour of being a Prefect in Year 11. By having such opportunities, I have grown as an individual and I believe I have a responsibility to be a role model to younger students.

Having been successful in my appointment for the prestigious role of Deputy Head Student, I am determined to pursue the legacy which has been left behind by previous Student Leadership Teams, as well as commemorate achievements and successes throughout the school.  As Deputy Head Student I am passionate about encouraging other students to be determined in all that they do so that, like me, they too can say “I am proud to succeed!”

Dilraaj K – Deputy Head Student

I can still recall the moment in Year 6 when I found out that I would be attending Barr Beacon School from September 2016 and the more recent memory of applying for a place at Barr Beacon Sixth Form. When I compare how I was in both these instances, although the same person - determined and ambitious (innate characteristics engraved within my personality) - I think it is fair to say that I have grown incredibly in confidence during my time at Barr Beacon School.

Barr Beacon has given me a plethora of opportunities over the years to encourage me to grow, not only academically but also as an individual. Involvement in extra-curricular clubs available within school, selected to be a Prefect during Year 11 and more recently starting my Extended Project Qualification are just a few examples of how Barr Beacon has helped me to challenge myself to become a better person, whilst maintaining my own character.

I have grown a lot over the last six years and I hope that as Deputy Head Student I can use my final year at school to help promote change, intuition and forward thinking at Barr Beacon School, helping students to become the best possible versions of themselves and to give back to help others to reach their fullest potential.

Hannah N - Deputy Head Student

Since joining the school in Year 7, I have been inspired by the work and the characters of the previous Senior Teams.  I am grateful to all the teachers and fellow students who have helped me become the person I am today and I am pleased to have been given the opportunity to be part of the Senior Five this year. What does being part of the Head Student Team mean to me?  I believe that we cannot make our days longer but we can strive to make them better and therefore as part of the Senior Team, we should be the bridge between students and staff.  Leadership, teamwork, organisation, time management, effective communication and maturity are all qualities we as a team will try to instil throughout the school.

During my time at Barr Beacon School, I have had countless opportunities, and this has shaped my character. One of the great experiences was the Duke of Edinburgh expedition, which helped me build my strength of character and achieve greater team working skills. I am very grateful for being selected as Deputy Head Student and I hope that as the Senior Five, we achieve much more together.

Mazin E - Deputy Head Student  


Thank You and Goodbye

After up to 7 years for a lot of us, we are saying goodbye to Barr Beacon School. It has been our home from 8:30am until past 3:00pm every Monday to Friday and has become a building that will hold many memories and be the centre of the stories we tell as we get older.  

Years 11 to 13 have been a rollercoaster with highs and lows for each and every student in Sixth Form but we have nearly made it! It is a bittersweet goodbye as we leave teachers, classrooms and friends behind. Nevertheless, it is exciting to look forward to all that awaits us, whether that is university, an apprenticeship or a gap year. Whatever our next steps are, we would not have got to this point without all of the support we have received from the staff here at Barr Beacon School and for that we will forever be grateful. For the unseen work of our teaching staff, at home and staying late or arriving early, we thank you all. Individually and collectively you have, once again, impacted on the lives of another cohort of students.  

Whilst some of us may want to go back and change some things – like the student who wishes they had taken more BTECs; another who wishes they had taken more photographs to savour the memories of a fleeting two years; another who wishes revision was taken more seriously much earlier on – there are others who are looking back and are grateful for their conversations and even baking experiences with Mrs Osborne! Although part of our time was spent online (the sound of Teams notifications will probably stay with us forever), within it all there are memories we will carry forward and cherish.  

In years to come we will want to come back and relive it all. Unless time travel becomes a possibility, it will be through our wonderful memories that we continue to live our sixth form years. So again, we say thank you and goodbye to the school that has helped us to grow into the people we are today and set a foundation for the people we will be in the future. 

A Bromwich Head Girl 


Why Our Thoughts Are With Those in World Conflict

By Charlie Birch - Deputy Head Boy

The Russian invasion of Ukraine strongly opposes the ideals of peace and unity. No wonder so many of our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people.

Vladimir Putin’s wrongful ambition to unite former USSR nations under Russian rule replicates the unwarranted behaviour of previous political leaders, such as Adolf Hitler, who embarked upon war and persecuted the lives of so many innocent civilians. The recent events lead us to also think about those who have suffered conflict in the likes of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. Our thoughts are also with the people in all countries who may not be making the headlines right at this moment.

From these conflicts, we can develop understanding and learn from them. Here at Barr Beacon, we can develop the mentality of always treating others with respect. We can also understand that certain actions and behaviours can be unnecessary and that our behaviour can have an impact upon others. This also leads to the point that your actions will have consequences, which is currently shown by the majority of the globe sanctioning Russia. This overall, enforces a new meaning behind taking responsibility in advocating humility and kindness towards other people.

Donations exceeding £1 billion have been generated in Europe to support Ukrainians in need. Furthermore, volunteers are being deployed in camps on the borders of Ukraine and neighbouring countries, providing food, drink, shelter and medical assistance. The swift response to support those in need embodies what we at Barr Beacon School want to encourage in our pupils.


Why we remember

On Holocaust Memorial Day, we remember all those who were murdered or affected under Nazi occupation, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Holocaust Memorial Day is celebrated on 27th January each year as this was the day Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated in 1945. This year the theme is ‘One Day’. One day in history, one day when life changed, one day at a time, one day in the future, one day is just a snapshot as we look at it now.

“You didn’t think about yesterday, and tomorrow may not happen, it was only today that you had to cope with and you got through it as best you could.” – Iby Knill, survivor of the Holocaust

What was the Holocaust? It illustrates the dangers of prejudice, discrimination, antisemitism and dehumanisation. Holocaust did not just happen in one day; it was carefully planned. Between 1933 to 1945, the Nazis persecuted all those who did not fit their idea of pure Aryan race: Jews, Roma, black people, homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled people, Jehovah’s Witnesses and many others. By the end of the war, it was estimated that 11 million people had been killed. 6 million of those were Jews.

Often, we think of the Holocaust as numbers, and events of the past, but each one of them had individual stories and experiences to tell. It is crucial for us to learn from the past and educate others as we are the last generation to witness the survivors’ testimonies.

Even in recent years, genocides are still taking place across the world, it is unimaginable what the victims are going through and why in this day and age us Humans have not learnt to respect each other’s race, beliefs and differences.

The most important thing we can do is to share our knowledge to those around us, as the more we know, the more we become aware.

Take ‘One Day’ at a time and live it to the best you can make it, because everyday is a new day and every 24 hours is a new chapter.

Useful Link.


Deputy Head Girl


Pushing ourselves to succeed

As LGBT History Month approaches, Deputy Head Boy Will Mellor reflects on his experience as a photographer for last year’s Pride event in Birmingham and urges us all to push ourselves out of our comfort zones so we can learn more about ourselves – and other people.

As we all know the Covid pandemic has affected each one of us in different ways. For me the lockdowns and restrictions has driven me to push myself out of my comfort zone and begin to explore other avenues within my passion of media. For me in September I had the privilege of being an event photographer for Birmingham Pride event. This festival is one of the biggest and most important within the UK, attracting over 75,000 people to the streets of Birmingham to celebrate LGBTQ+ achievements and to promote a safe space where our community can express themselves without fear or prejudice.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous on the train heading into Birmingham. I had personally never been to a Pride event. Neither had I had much experience with street photography. As an amateur photographer, I am always looking for ways to tell a story through the images I capture and, from the second I stepped off the train, there was an array of colours lining Grand Central and hundreds of people on the platforms heading to the celebration. There were many things that amazed me this day but the community feeling was what stood out to me the most: there was a overall feeling of joy and happiness that seemed to be infectious. You couldn’t help but smile at all the people around you. This immediately put me at ease and my real enjoyment of the day started here. From Grand Central I joined the many brightly-clothed people heading to the parade route.

Upon reaching the route I set about finding a vantage point to best capture the parade. This proved challenging as I wanted to capture multiple angles and views. As I was at one of my positions another photographer joined me. We chatted about our backgrounds and as I confessed that I was only an amateur he decided to take me under his wing. This was because he was one of the professional event photographers coving the parade for a newspaper. Throughout the day he showed me around the parade route and many ways of looking at the event through a camera lens. I was successfully able to capture thousands of photos, each portraying their own story. 

I came away from the parade with a much greater appreciation and understanding of photography. I also have a better understanding of how a community can pull together to celebrate and support each other. The skills and emotions I experienced on this day will live with me forever and contribute to my development both as an artist and as a member of society. I would fully encourage people to push themselves beyond their comfort zone and continue to be “stronger together” (2021’s Pride theme).

Below are some great links where you can read more about the Pride festival and more about the local LGBTQ+ community.

Birmingham Pride

Defining LGBTQ


Learning how you revise best in each subject

By Maisie Amos, Deputy Head Girl

Recently, I have read many comments saying schools teach you what to learn but not necessarily how to learn. Barr Beacon does offer advice, especially during assemblies and PSHE lessons, to help guide revision but you do need to spend time working out what applies to you best and how your brain absorbs information. This may be different for different subjects.

I am currently studying Biology, Chemistry and Maths, so 3 science based subjects. Biology requires the memorising of a lot of facts in a short period of time and applying them to the world we live in. Maths requires practice and repetition of processes and formulas so you ‘get it right’ every time. Chemistry is by far my hardest subject.  I am the kind of person who likes to understand new concepts straight away and then memorise the facts afterwards.  However with chemistry you need to memorise the facts ‘for now’ and then you will have a better understanding of them as you cover more content and the more practice you do.

Steps to Success

  1. Mind map the different ways to revise. This can be through your own research, through this blog, YouTube videos or Instagram pages, from study accounts or even searching on google or google scholar and writing down a few tips.
  2. Try out all of the techniques on learning different bits of information. If you are doing your GCSEs, maybe try one technique for one lesson in each subject. If you are in Year 12, you can try this by recapping content from GCSE that you need to know. For Year 13, you will probably already know how to revise for your A-Levels by reflecting on the Year 12 mocks.  However, if you still would like to test them before delving into lots of work this year, maybe try with the content you struggled with in the mocks.
  3. Once you have tried the techniques, ensure that you test them out against your memory. Do a few exam questions and see which ones have ‘stuck’ in your brain the best. Try to think of the ways you would prefer to revise for each individual subject.
  4. Create a revision timetable and stick to it. I use Numbers, which is the Apple version of Excel, to create mine. Make sure it is realistic - it is probably not the best idea to be revising until 4am in the morning! You also need to make sure that you are leaving some buffer time.

Examples of Revision Techniques you could use

These are examples of what I do:-

  • After every lesson, I use a website called Notion to create myself questions and I transform every line of information written in my notes into a question.  I then attempt to answer the question without looking at my notes.  I then link this page into my calendar one day after the lesson, three days after the lesson, one week after, two weeks after, one month, two months and three months. On these days, I have to go back to the page of questions I made and I answer them and do a question from the textbook or Integral (Maths). Also on the day of the lesson, I do a Seneca lesson (for Biology and Chemistry) or the tests on integral (for Maths). On my Notion page, I make a cue card on the questions that I found most difficult and file this in my folder. In addition to this, I complete any homework I am set in the lesson.


  • Mind maps
  • Spaced repetition (the retrieval practice I do with Notion)
  • Past Paper Questions (make sure you mark them)
  • Recapping lessons
  • Whiteboard pens- write it out again and again until it sticks
  • Cue cards
  • Talking through processes out loud
  • Convert words to pictures
  • Memory Spots
  • Stacking
  • Use rhymes
  • Use mnemonics
  • Pictorial Storage

Revision Timetables – my advice

  1. Create a grid with columns Monday to Sunday at the top and the times you are going to revise along the bottom.
  2. Block out any times where you cannot revise (e.g. eating, exercise, travelling home, clubs).
  3. Think about how much time you want to spend revising content for each lesson (hint: 2 hours per subject per week is probably about right for GCSE but not enough for A levels).
  4. Choose which days you are taking a break from revision. You could label one of these days as a buffer day where you can catch up on other work that you have not managed to do.
  5. Choose how long each period of revision will be before you take a break (20 minutes revision followed by a 5-minute break or 1-hour revision followed by a 15-minute break).
  6. Slot in the times you are going to revise, stating the subject (for A levels this should be at least 5 hours per subject per week).
  7. Every Sunday, print off your timetable and annotate it, stating what you will be doing in each study session for the following week or (copy the document you made and edit it each week).
  8. Remember to be flexible with your time. If you cannot revise one night, move those study sessions to your buffer day.
  9. If you are having trouble finding a way of revising all the content until your final exam, use the app Adapt to structure the topics you will revise each day. This will also help you to structure a revision timetable.

Useful Links

Other Websites that could help:

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2025 © All Rights Reserved
