Every pupil in Year 8 took part in a special careers event that allowed them to meet numerous local employers and many of our Alumni. Our Speed Networking event gave pupils the chance to meet with our guests and speak to them about their careers and educational journeys, gaining important advice for their futures. Each small group of pupils had 5 minutes to speak to a guest, before we swapped the guests over. Pupils were therefore able to meet with at least 6 new people, developing their confidence communicating. It was also wonderful to welcome so many of our former Barr Beacon students back to the school, who are always so keen to volunteer and give back to the school that once supported them.
Pupils met a veterinary surgeon, a conductor, an Assistant Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Consultant for WSP, a Wholesale Credit Underwriter for LE Capital UK, a mental health professional and Thoughtful Impact lead for Birmingham universities and hospitals, a Railway Engineer, a Junior PR and Content Executive for WPR Agency, a CIPD Lecturer at Wolverhampton College, site managers at Kier Construction and a freelance speaker and writer, specialising in psychiatric system change.