
Barhale Work Experience Day

A group of Year 10 pupils took part in a work experience day, organised by Barhale, a civil engineering and infrastructure specialist. They learnt all about the company and were then set to work on a project: designing and building a water tower. Pupils created their own bid for the project, including an environmental impact report and health and safety precautions. They had to carefully work towards a budget and under strict time constraints. Pupils then moved from design to construction of a model and presented their feedback at the end. This experience allowed pupils to develop skills of leadership, communication, innovation, adaptability and teamwork. 


Dance visit to De Montfort University

14 of our pupils from Year 9 and Year 10 were selected to visit De Montfort University to have an insight into the Dance BA (Hons) course. The pupils participated in a three hour practical session, where they explored a variety of contemporary dance techniques with university lecturers and students. They were challenged with a choreography task to allow them to understand new ways of devising content. 

The pupils were also given a tour around campus by third year students who were able to answer questions that our pupils had about the course and university life.

All pupils enjoyed their visit with many commenting on how much they had gained from the experience. 


‘Try a new Language’ Masterclass

Year 10 have made such a fantastic start to their languages GCSE courses, with over 80% of the year studying a language. 44 of our pupils who have really impressed this year were nominated by their teachers to take part in a masterclass organised by the University of Birmingham to take part in a taster session. 

Our pupils were able to listen to a talk about languages courses and combinations at the University followed by a taster session. The languages on offer included Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese, as well as the two workshops our pupils took part in – Italian and Portuguese. 

Pupils enjoyed the speaking practice in the new languages, with Italian being the most popular by far! They also had a brief walk through the main campus in the sunshine. 

A ‘bom día’ (good day) for Barr Beacon’s linguists! 


Big Quizzes at Birmingham University

Selected Year 10 pupils have so far attended three Big Quiz events at Birmingham University for Mathematics, Physics and Biology. Our Year 10 pupils have scooped numerous awards and plaudits during these events and have received lectures from leading experts in these academic fields.


Walsall Works Job Fair

Year 11 and 13 students who are seeking apprenticeships attended the Walsall Works Jobs Fair on Thursday 24th March. 

They had to chance to meet with over 60 different employers, recruiting in various industries such as social care, engineering, hospitality, accounting, HR and much more.

Apprenticeships are a great option for both Year 11 and 13 students who are ready for work. To learn more you can visit: www.apprenticeships.gov.uk


Year 10 Cambridge Visit

A group of Year 10 pupils visited Newnham College Cambridge, where the spring weather brightened their tour of the beautiful college grounds. Pupils enjoyed a critical reading workshop that prepared them for university level study and listened to an engaging taster lecture on realism in gaming.  

A tour of the college library was followed by a delicious lunch in the grand dining space. In the afternoon, pupils explored Cambridge town and saw many of the other university colleges, people punting down the river Cam and Cambridge University Library, one of the world’s oldest university libraries home to 

nearly ten million books, maps, manuscripts, photographs and priceless objects, spanning thousands of years. An inspiring experience.


National Careers Week

It’s National Careers Week! 

In school, pupils will be learning about ‘Hidden Careers’. They will be discovering how the skills and knowledge gained in their different subjects could lead to many different and exciting careers they may not have heard of before. 

We will also be exploring the pressures of deciding your future pathway and moving from stressful thoughts to hope about the future. 

Outside of school, we warmly invite all pupils and parents to visit the National Virtual Careers Fair, which will be live from Monday 7th to Saturday 12th March. 

Go to ncw2022.co.uk to start exploring your future career options.


The Physics Big Quiz

12 Year 9 pupils visited the University of Birmingham to take part in the Physics Big Quiz. In the grand setting of the Great Hall, the pupils answered 6 rounds of very difficult questions, competing against lots of other pupils from schools all around Birmingham.

They performed very well, coming 10th, 15th and 18th out of 50 schools! Barr Beacon finished as the top non-selective state school in the competition. 

There was also an engaging lecture on Astrophysics and life on other planets from a university professor, and pupils had the chance to tour the university. In the pictures you can see them generating electricity for the university simply by walking over special paving.


Careers Fair 2021

In October, we were delighted to bring back our popular Careers Fair. Having resorted to a virtual platform during the pandemic, we were pleased to get things back to normal, with our annual event welcoming a large array of providers. All of our pupils met and spoke to a range of education and training providers, both local and national, with employers such as Collins Aerospace, HMRC, West Midlands Police, the RAF and the Army; many local colleges; numerous training providers offering apprenticeships and traineeships; and a large collection of universities from all over the country. Pupils were able to see the many options available to them after Year 11 or 13. 

During the day, pupils also joined virtual breakout sessions in classrooms, with topics covering how to choose university courses, advice on choosing GCSE options and University vs Apprenticeships. 

It was wonderful to allow our pupils to once again have the opportunity to meet these provers face to face and ask all the crucial questions they have about their futures.


Great Minds Tour Bus

The Staffordshire University Great Minds Tour Bus has visited our Year 7 pupils at Barr Beacon today. Pupils have watched a film in the on-board cinema, showcasing all the exciting courses you can study at university. On the top deck, pupils had a taste of the E-Sports course offered at Staffordshire. 

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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