
Cadets Lead The Way

This weekend 27 cadets from four of our schools expanded their leadership skills by attending The Bronze Leadership Course at Barr Beacon School. The course was held centrally to allow our cadets to share ideas and harness the fundamentals of leadership training.

Our cadets began the day by learning how leadership styles can affect the output of teams in a practical environment, this was reinforced with group discussions and scenarios based on real-time situations. They then moved onto practical leadership tasks in which each of the candidates were assessed on implementing their own leadership styles.

By the end of the day all 27 cadets achieved the Bronze standard and had a great time in the sun. Well done all!


Beacon Values Winners: Spring Term

Barr Beacon pupils are celebrating being given the prestigious Beacon Values Award.

Award winners are nominated by their teachers and then the Heads of House select one pupil per Beacon Value to receive the award for their House. The award winners enjoyed a complimentary breakfast with the Headteacher, and were awarded their coveted Beacon Values Badge. A testimonial written by teachers who nominated them for the award was read out to them. We are very proud of these pupils who embrace our Beacon Values each day.



Our aspiring medics in Year 12 attended the annual In2MedSchool Hackathon at Imperial College London. Following months of preparation, students presented their healthcare initiative, Fit Focus, to medical experts at the university. They received excellent feedback for their App to tackle childhood obesity and it was a great opportunity to develop some of the important skills for medical school, including teamwork, communication and courage! All students represented the school admirably and will now have a unique experience to add to their medical school applications. 


Careers Guidance Pupil Website

We are excited to launch our brand-new Careers Guidance Pupil Website. 

Pupils need to be prepared for the evolving working world and so, at the heart of our Careers Programme, is a focus on building up essential lifelong employability skills.

Visit our new website to access a wealth of careers guidance, designed to support both pupils and parents.

With our brand-new resources, you can…

  • Choose a subject you love and see where it might lead
  • Explore your options for when you leave school
  • Gain valuable advice on applying to university, apprenticeships and jobs
  • Practice your interview skills
  • Discover alternative options like gap years or starting your own business



Boys Dance Workshop by Autin Dance Theatre 

On Monday 18th March, selected year 7 and 8 boys took part in a Dance workshop led by Autin Dance Theatre. The students were extremely excited and showed fantastic enthusiasm for the workshop. They worked really well with the professional dancer, Will, and were amazed with all the places he had travelled for his dance career. Students worked on strengthening, coordination and stamina skills throughout the workshop. All students showed amazing progress when working with the professional dancer. Well done boys and we look forward to offering more opportunities like this in the future. 

Students involved- H. Dell, K. Ord, D. Seymour, K. Jallow, Y. Ali. H. Chahal, J. Wilkes, K. Mallon. M. Lukasevs, J. Lalli, N. Dhillon, J. Chapotoka, M. Lander, Z. Reid-Peart, I. Figure and K. Edwards


Victoria Law Courts

On Monday 18th March, our Year 12 Law students had the opportunity to visit Victoria Law Courts in Birmingham. Not only was this a fantastic opportunity to develop an understanding of the role of legal and lay personnel which is linked to their studies but also to see how the Magistrates Court and judicial processes operates first hand. 

On arrival, and after the search process, as this is a requirement when entering a court, we were taken on a tour around the Grade 1 listed building, first opened in 1891 led by Sir Mark Aspinall; Chair of the Bench. This included visiting court rooms where we were given information about each part of the room and stories from past trials held, a visit to the Law Library and some of the office areas. 

Students were also able to directly observe the different roles within the court and engage in court practice by observing one of the criminal trials taking place.  They witnessed the law in practice during the hearing of a case of criminal damage. Students were also fortunate enough to have a member of the Crown Prosecution Service come and talk to them, whilst in the court room, about the offence the defendant was charged with and even shared her email to allow them ask further questions and the opportunity of work experience! 

The visit was thoroughly enjoyed by all and the only thing that students said they were not happy about was having to leave!

Below is a sample of the students comments on the day:

Nathan - I found the trip very informative about how court works as it was different from the image I had put together in my head from what we had learned in class.

Taylor - I found the trip really interesting and enjoyable. My favourite part was actually listening to the case and seeing how everything actually works as opposed to listening to it in a classroom. The only downside to the whole day was that we didn't have enough time to listen to the case that was on next because that case sounded really interesting! It was good to see things first hand.

Ewan - I really enjoyed the trip to the court because it showed me how the law operates. My favourite part was listening to the case to see how the cases play out with the prosecutors and the magistrate asking questions to the defendant in the glass box. The only downside was not being able to listen to more, especially the next case on a robbery. This trip has definitely opened my eyes more to the law straying me more towards pursuing a career in it.

Jai - The trip was really beneficial to our studies as it helped us gain an insight into the roles of legal personnel which is a whole section of our course. Plus, the fact we got to see a real case happen, was amazing as we got to understand and see the way legal terms are actually used in a real courtroom. Sir Mark Aspinall also gave an interesting summary of each of the courtrooms and their features, in addition to how his role of Head of Magistrates is very important.

Heebah - I had enjoyed most aspects of the trip such as going into the library and watching the cases. The staff were all lovely and extremely helpful while giving us information and touring us around, and I liked being shown around the different court rooms as well as what functions they had.


Gold Praise Award Achievement

We are very proud to announce that Year 10 pupil, O. Awe, is the one of the first pupils in the school to achieve the gold praise badge. This is a huge achievement and a mark of the young man's maturity and determination to succeed. O. Awe is now excelling in many of his subjects and preparing his prefect application. Well done!

We look forward to celebrating even more of our pupils wearing their gold badges with pride very soon!


Year 12 Workshop – Wednesday 20th March 2024

56 of our Year 12 Psychologists and Biologists spent the morning taking part in a workshop on Addiction.  The workshop was led by a final year undergraduate student from the University of Manchester.

The interactive session was based around the neurobiology of addiction, including how the use of nicotine and cocaine impact our brain and health. Students completed tasks throughout the session, with a focus on group work and collaboration. Their final task was to create and deliver a persuasive presentation to their peers, summarising what they had learnt and further implementing their knowledge. 

Comments from the students:

“I thought the session was really interesting and engaging and I appreciated the mix of both listening and collaborative aspects. I also liked that we received feedback after each section of the booklet, allowing us to mark it because it meant that any mistakes or misconceptions were quickly rectified. I also thought the booklet was well organised and I liked the colour changes and co-ordination for each of the different sections.” Z. Copeland 12M2

“I enjoyed how after the knowledge was taught there were different activities to do to check our understanding and we were able to discuss our answers with others around us. The workbook was very useful as the knowledge was in there with diagrams and different ways of explaining addiction.”  O. Fallowfield 12C1

Our guest then opened the floor to questions around her field of study. Our students were also keen to ask about her experience of university, including the difficulty compared to A level and how to know which course is right for you.


Crown Prosecution Service Webinar

Students and Pupils with an interest in pursuing legal careers, volunteered to take part in a webinar with the Crown Prosecution Service. Alongside celebrating International Women’s’ Day, with talks from some inspiring female leaders, the session allowed pupils to understand more about a career within the legal profession directly from the experts. 


Sixth Form University Taster Lectures

Our Sixth Form students have been signing up to attend taster lectures at local universities, with popular topics including Motion Tracking using AI, Making a Murderer and a French Language Booster. 

These taster sessions are a great way for students to experience university level teaching and help them to decide what course to study. It is also an excellent opportunity to explore a university campus and get a feel for where they may wish to study.   

Our Year 12 Sports Scientists impressed lecturers at the University of Birmingham with their engagement in a series of mini taster lectures, covering everything from the nitty-gritty of Politics and Policy, to the fascinating realms of Physiology, Psychology, Neuroscience and Physiotherapy.

Sixth Form students should check their emails regularly for advertisements about university and employer taster events.  

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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