
National Apprenticeship Fair

With apprenticeships becoming an increasingly popular option, our Year 12 pupils visited the National Apprenticeship Fair at Millennium point. 

Students gained access to independent apprenticeship advice from Top UK Employers and Training Providers, including JLR, Ford, Vinci, the NHS and the BBC.

T. Clarke said: “I spoke to the police who have encouraged me to apply and look at specialisms.

M. Singh said: “That was useful, and I met the former Head Boy, who is doing really well for himself as an apprentice”.

Our students are keen to meet even more employers and apprenticeship providers. If you are interesting in exhibiting at our next Careers Fair in school, please contact

Flags of France .

Read about our Culture Day in French

Students in Year 12, who are studying A level French, took the opportunity to put their skills into practise by writing about the Culture Day in French.

They are very pleased with their final pieces which reflect how advanced their language skills are.

Le jour de la culture

Jeudi 25 avril 2024 | I.Bryan (12C1)

Pour le jour de la culture, je n’ai pas représenté une culture parce que je ne me sens pas lié à mes cultures. Mais j’ai apprécié voir tout le monde la culture et les gens dans leurs vêtements culturels. J’ai goûté des aliments de différentes cultures telles que l’Inde et la Slovaquie. J’ai visité tous les stands mais mon préféré était la Jamaïque car il y avait beaucoup de choses différentes et c’est ma culture.

La salle de l’école était pleine d'énergie avec beaucoup de musique, d’activités at d’aliments différents. Nous y sommes restes pendant 30 minutes, mais j’aimerais que ce soit plus long parce que c’était tellement amusant. C’était agréable de voir tout le monde heureux et Je s’amuser.

Pense que le lycée a fait un très bon travail at qu’ils devraient être fiers d’eux-mêmes. L’année prochaine je veux participer dans le jour de la culture parce que c’était une animé ambiance et j’aimerais représenter l'une de mes cultures, soit l’Angleterre, soit la Jamaïque.

Pour conclure la jour de la culture a été un succès et je pense que tout le monde l'aimé !

Jeudi 25 avril 2024


Par K.Stevenson (12w1)

Après deux mois de préparation, aujourd’hui, le 25 avril 2024, le collège Barr Beacon a célébré sa toute première journée de la culture et c’était un grand succès! Tous les étudiants et les enseignants ont été invités à participer à cet événement qui a duré toute la matinée. L’événement à rassemblé plus de 21 pays de continents y compris l’Afrique, l’Amérique du Sud, l’Europe et l’Asie. Un groupe d’environ 80 lycéens s’est porté volontaire pour mettre en place ce projet. Ils ont fièrement représenté leur patrimoine en portant leur costume national, en jouant de la musique traditionnelle, en organisant des activités culturelles et même en offrant de la nourriture et des boissons pour un coût petit et charitable.

Pourquoi la diversité culturelle est-elle important?

‘La journée mondiale de la diversité culturelle pour le dialogue et le développement’ a lieu chaque année le 21 mai. Comme le mois de mai est une période d’examens pour beaucoup de élèves, le collège a voulu donner à tous la possibilité de fêter ensemble car certains des élèves les plus âgés quitteront le collège après avoir passé leurs examens. Il est important de célébrer cette journée afin que les lycéens puissent exprimer leur culture et que tout le monde puisse apprendre plus sur les autres cultures. Il faut que tout le monde sachent plus sur ces cultures afin d’accepter des traditions et des coutumes différents. Saviez-vous que la dimension culturelle est présente dans les trois quarts des grands conflits mondiaux? Le lycée le savait et voulait sensibiliser le public afin de réduire le harcèlement et la discrimination à collège, dont à combler le fossé entre les cultures et à garantir la paix, la stabilité et le développement.

L’Estonie - un pays Européen:

L’Estonie était l’un des pays présents à l’événement, ce qui a surpris certaines personnes car il n’y a pas beaucoup de résidents Estoniens en Angleterre. En fait, seulement 3 000 Estoniens vivent à Londres depuis 2018 par rapport à la population Londonienne totale de 9 millions d’habitants (à l’époque). Ce pays est connu aujourd’hui pour ses monuments historiques tels que la Porte de Viru et le Château du Kuressaare Linnus. En Estonie, des activités tels que la poterie est une activité renommée qui remonte au 13ème siècle et le collège a été en mesure d’offrir un substitute très similaire appelé ‘du modelage de l’argile’. Cette activité a permis aux étudiants d’exprimer leur créativité. Le stand distribuait également des en-cas estoniens tels que du chocolat aux noisettes et d’autres sucreries qui ont été très appréciées par le personnel et les élèves.

Dans l’ensemble, la journée a été un grand succès et a permis de gagner plus de 600 livres sterling pour des organisations caritatives tels que Humanity First et l’hôpital pour enfants de Birmingham. C’était un moment de fierté pour tous les membres du personnel et les lycéens qui se sont déguisés mais aussi un moment d’éducation puisque les plus jeunes élèves ont reçu des questions à compléter, qui les a encouragés à parler avec les lycéens. Un élève de 6eme a dit <<Nous avons adore goûter aux différentes nourritures. Les activités tels que le modelage de l’argile étaient amusantes!>> et Junjie Dong, un lycéen qui représentait la Chine à l’événement, a dit <<J’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à me déguiser et j’espère que le collège renouvellera l’expérience l’année prochaine. Enfin, des enseignants tels que Monsieur Brocklebank ont commenté <<J’ai trouvé que c’était un véritable succès et j’ai vraiment apprécié d’y être. Les lycéens était incroyable. Bravo à tous!>>


By SP. Powell (12C1)

La journée de la culture à Barr Beacon

Le 25 avril 2024, l’école a célébré la diversité des cultures au sein des groupes d’âge et des enseignements. Ce qui leur a permis de porter des vêtements pour exprimer leur héritage en donnant à leur don à charité (Birmingham’s Children’s hospital). La journée a commencé avec plus de 25 pays- e.g. L’Estonie, le Chine, L’Inde représenter leur patrimoine qui était organisé par les lycéens. Ils ont distribué des échantillons de plats traditionnels de leur pays, ce qui a été apprécié par les élèves. En plus, certains stands ont présenté des activités pour les étudiants ont pu participer ; par exemple la danse du ventre, la peinture ou le modelage de l’argile.

La Jamaïque : une île aux Antilles

La Jamaïque était parmi les pays à la journée de culture. C’est la troisième plus grande île de la mer des Caraïbes avec sa capitale- Kingston. Le pays a une population de 2.7 millions d’habitants, c’est connu pour ses plages pittoresques et c’est très fréquentées par les touristes. Surtout pendant les  vacances d’été. La journée de culture, il y avait plusieurs d’activités y compris : le tressage de cheveux et dominos. Aussi, ils ont distribué des nourritures qui s’appelle « festival «. La nourriture est frit pour être savouré avec un repas jamaïcain traditionnel. Tout le monde a exprimé son amour pour le pays, c’est un gros accomplissement pour l’école !

L’importance de diversité culturelle

La diversité culturelle présente de nombreux avantages par exemple : elle encourage l’ouverture d’esprit entre différents groupes de personnes et élimine les stéréotypes négatifs. Donc elle permet la paix au sein des communautés et acceptent des croyances, des intérêts différents. C’est un avantage parce que on peut acquérir davantage de connaissances sur un mode vie différent du nôtre. « J’ai appris beaucoup de choses sur d’autres cultures et sur leur nourriture, c’est extraordinaire ! » a dit un élève de 9e année.

Pour conclure, les étudiants et les personnels espèrent que le merveilleux événement aura lieu l’année prochaine, y participerez – vous aussi ?

Un voyage autour de monde Beacon!

By L.Chahal (12W1)

Le meilleur pays a representé à le premier journee culturelle de Barr Beacon etait l’inde. C’est sans contest que l’inde a eu le stand plus interactif et amical. Avec l’activites comme mendhi et essayaient le plus préféré de nourriture de la terre: Samoussa, les eleves ont eu un temps incroyable. Le moment le plus marquant pour les enfants a été sans aucun doute Leila et Jasrena, deux lyceens, appliquaient bindis sur les eleves. L’environment bourdonnant qui a été créé autour le stand l’inde vraiment montré la culture riche de l’asie.

Le 25 avril 2024 marque un jour important dans la histoire Beacon que le premier journee culturelle pour l’ecole. L’evenement a présenté plus de 25 pays tous cela a présenté à chaque annee dans l’ecole. Il y avait nombreux activités culturelle, la nourriture differente et significantment tout l’argent ont recolté donner à la charite: Birminghams Childrens Hospital.

Pourquoi votre patrimoine culturelle est-il important chez Barr Beacon? Le diversite de culture à Beacon est reellement choquant et c’est un aspect extraordinaire de l’ecole que devrait etre celebré. Donc, l’ecole croient que culture est un suject que apporte l’etudiants ensemble et il permet lui sentir fiere pour leur patrimoine.

Pour conclure, le premier journee Culturelle de Barr Beacon etait un grande sucess!


Culture Day Exhibition

Seeing the hard work of our Sixth Form Students come to fruition was a wonderful sight on Culture Day!  A group of 80 students have worked collaboratively over the last 2 months to put together a programme that was enjoyed by the whole school.

21 different nations were represented and students proudly showcased their heritage through wearing their national dress, music, food and drink and local activities.  They also put together a slide show, that was shown to all pupils and students over the week, sharing information about the different nations. 

Pupils and students from Years 7 to 13 visited the exhibition throughout the morning, partaking in the different activities and, for a small charitable donation, they were able to sample food and drink from the different nations.  Pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 were given the extra challenge of completing an ‘Around the World’ game of bingo.  Congratulations to our winners: T.Osborne (7W1), H.Seedat(8C1), N.Hancock (8M1) and M.Abdul-Gani (9B1).  Our other winner was M.Kalia (9W2) who won the ‘Roll the Roundest Roti’ challenge.

Places ‘visited’ were: Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Bangladesh, China, Gujrat (India), Punjab (India), Pakistan (Kashmir, Punjab and the north-west), Sri Lanka, Turkey, Vietnam, England, with a special Beaky Blinder tribute to the Black Country, Estonia, Slovakia and Wales.

Our Sixth Form students’ aim was to leave everyone hungry for more and that is exactly what happened!  They received overwhelming feedback from staff and pupils.  The day was a huge success and just over £600 was raised for our chosen charities (Birmingham Children’s’ Hospital and Humanity First). 

Well done to our student ambassadors for doing such an amazing job!  We are very proud of them.

Feedback received:

“It was class!  I loved trying the different foods and doing the penalty shoot-out!  I tried the belly-dancing too!”  S.Doggart (11M2)

“Well done to the team of Sixth Formers who made it very enjoyable to visit each stall. I learned a lot and loved it!”  Mrs Matharu (Maths teacher)

“We loved trying the different foods. The activities such as clay modelling were fun!”  (7W1)

Pupils in 11C1 said: 

 “It was just really lovely!”

‘We wished we could have more time as it was so busy but there was such a lot to see!’ 

“It was great!”

“Please make sure there is another one next year!”

11B1 added:

“The food was great!”

“The music was great!”

“We are looking forward to getting involved with helping to organise it next year!”

“Talking to colleagues we’ve all agreed that the students did themselves proud. They were so enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the different cultures. A big success all round!”  Miss Lloyd (Year 12 Tutor)

A group of year 10 pupils said “The food was all so good!  We loved being able to get involved and have henna done as well as having the chance to wear the bindis.  Hopefully it will be on next year!”

“The photographs are so lovely! Thank you for capturing such a fantastic day! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed Culture Day!”  Miss Begum (History teacher)

“I thought this was a real success and I thoroughly enjoyed popping in. The Sixth Formers were amazing.  Well done to them all!”  Mr Brocklebank (MFL teacher)


Cadets Lead The Way

This weekend 27 cadets from four of our schools expanded their leadership skills by attending The Bronze Leadership Course at Barr Beacon School. The course was held centrally to allow our cadets to share ideas and harness the fundamentals of leadership training.

Our cadets began the day by learning how leadership styles can affect the output of teams in a practical environment, this was reinforced with group discussions and scenarios based on real-time situations. They then moved onto practical leadership tasks in which each of the candidates were assessed on implementing their own leadership styles.

By the end of the day all 27 cadets achieved the Bronze standard and had a great time in the sun. Well done all!


Beacon Values Winners: Spring Term

Barr Beacon pupils are celebrating being given the prestigious Beacon Values Award.

Award winners are nominated by their teachers and then the Heads of House select one pupil per Beacon Value to receive the award for their House. The award winners enjoyed a complimentary breakfast with the Headteacher, and were awarded their coveted Beacon Values Badge. A testimonial written by teachers who nominated them for the award was read out to them. We are very proud of these pupils who embrace our Beacon Values each day.



Our aspiring medics in Year 12 attended the annual In2MedSchool Hackathon at Imperial College London. Following months of preparation, students presented their healthcare initiative, Fit Focus, to medical experts at the university. They received excellent feedback for their App to tackle childhood obesity and it was a great opportunity to develop some of the important skills for medical school, including teamwork, communication and courage! All students represented the school admirably and will now have a unique experience to add to their medical school applications. 


Careers Guidance Pupil Website

We are excited to launch our brand-new Careers Guidance Pupil Website. 

Pupils need to be prepared for the evolving working world and so, at the heart of our Careers Programme, is a focus on building up essential lifelong employability skills.

Visit our new website to access a wealth of careers guidance, designed to support both pupils and parents.

With our brand-new resources, you can…

  • Choose a subject you love and see where it might lead
  • Explore your options for when you leave school
  • Gain valuable advice on applying to university, apprenticeships and jobs
  • Practice your interview skills
  • Discover alternative options like gap years or starting your own business



Boys Dance Workshop by Autin Dance Theatre 

On Monday 18th March, selected year 7 and 8 boys took part in a Dance workshop led by Autin Dance Theatre. The students were extremely excited and showed fantastic enthusiasm for the workshop. They worked really well with the professional dancer, Will, and were amazed with all the places he had travelled for his dance career. Students worked on strengthening, coordination and stamina skills throughout the workshop. All students showed amazing progress when working with the professional dancer. Well done boys and we look forward to offering more opportunities like this in the future. 

Students involved- H. Dell, K. Ord, D. Seymour, K. Jallow, Y. Ali. H. Chahal, J. Wilkes, K. Mallon. M. Lukasevs, J. Lalli, N. Dhillon, J. Chapotoka, M. Lander, Z. Reid-Peart, I. Figure and K. Edwards


Victoria Law Courts

On Monday 18th March, our Year 12 Law students had the opportunity to visit Victoria Law Courts in Birmingham. Not only was this a fantastic opportunity to develop an understanding of the role of legal and lay personnel which is linked to their studies but also to see how the Magistrates Court and judicial processes operates first hand. 

On arrival, and after the search process, as this is a requirement when entering a court, we were taken on a tour around the Grade 1 listed building, first opened in 1891 led by Sir Mark Aspinall; Chair of the Bench. This included visiting court rooms where we were given information about each part of the room and stories from past trials held, a visit to the Law Library and some of the office areas. 

Students were also able to directly observe the different roles within the court and engage in court practice by observing one of the criminal trials taking place.  They witnessed the law in practice during the hearing of a case of criminal damage. Students were also fortunate enough to have a member of the Crown Prosecution Service come and talk to them, whilst in the court room, about the offence the defendant was charged with and even shared her email to allow them ask further questions and the opportunity of work experience! 

The visit was thoroughly enjoyed by all and the only thing that students said they were not happy about was having to leave!

Below is a sample of the students comments on the day:

Nathan - I found the trip very informative about how court works as it was different from the image I had put together in my head from what we had learned in class.

Taylor - I found the trip really interesting and enjoyable. My favourite part was actually listening to the case and seeing how everything actually works as opposed to listening to it in a classroom. The only downside to the whole day was that we didn't have enough time to listen to the case that was on next because that case sounded really interesting! It was good to see things first hand.

Ewan - I really enjoyed the trip to the court because it showed me how the law operates. My favourite part was listening to the case to see how the cases play out with the prosecutors and the magistrate asking questions to the defendant in the glass box. The only downside was not being able to listen to more, especially the next case on a robbery. This trip has definitely opened my eyes more to the law straying me more towards pursuing a career in it.

Jai - The trip was really beneficial to our studies as it helped us gain an insight into the roles of legal personnel which is a whole section of our course. Plus, the fact we got to see a real case happen, was amazing as we got to understand and see the way legal terms are actually used in a real courtroom. Sir Mark Aspinall also gave an interesting summary of each of the courtrooms and their features, in addition to how his role of Head of Magistrates is very important.

Heebah - I had enjoyed most aspects of the trip such as going into the library and watching the cases. The staff were all lovely and extremely helpful while giving us information and touring us around, and I liked being shown around the different court rooms as well as what functions they had.


Gold Praise Award Achievement

We are very proud to announce that Year 10 pupil, O. Awe, is the one of the first pupils in the school to achieve the gold praise badge. This is a huge achievement and a mark of the young man's maturity and determination to succeed. O. Awe is now excelling in many of his subjects and preparing his prefect application. Well done!

We look forward to celebrating even more of our pupils wearing their gold badges with pride very soon!

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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