
Inspiring the Black Country 2024

Year 8 pupils visited a large Careers Fair in Wolverhampton, where they met with hundreds of employers and discovered new careers through interactive exhibits. Pupils were able to film a news report with the BBC, discover how special effects are created for film with Real SFX, change a tyre with Nacro, pull a pint with Marston’s, win treats for matching aircraft with Collins Aerospace, learn to play the drums with Wolverhampton Music Service, practise CPR with the NHS and even get their own fake bruise with Dudley College’s TV makeup experts.

Pupils said:

“I really enjoyed it. There was so much to do.”

“My favourite part was filming with the BBC. I was a bit nervous hearing my voice back though.”

“I have learnt about lots of jobs today but in a fun way.”


7M2 Birmingham University

On Tuesday 18th June, 7M2 had a fantastic day at the University of Birmingham. The purpose of the visit was to broaden our understanding about the emerging world of Artificial Intelligence. We looked at both the positives and dangers of AI and how we can develop our skill set to thrive in a modern society. Our pupils represented the school superbly well and we all had a really great day! 


Year 7 Trip to Worcester University

A key part of our Careers Programme is to give every Key Stage 3 pupil a chance to experience a taster day at university. This mission continued with an enjoyable trip to the University of Worcester. Pupils learnt more about what university has to offer and explored a day in the life of a student. They enjoyed a Campus Tour, which opened their eyes to the range of facilities on offer at a university, visiting lecture theatres, the Student’s Union, the Wellbeing Hub, the Sports Centre and Student Accommodation.


First Aid Training at Birmingham Women’s Hospital

Year 12 students with an interest in pursuing healthcare careers visited Birmingham Women’s Hospital to take part in Basic Life Support Training. Students used the specialist training facilities to learn about effective CPR, the safe use of an AED and how to prevent choking. After testing their skills, the students then received certificates. All 12 students are now ready to help save a life.  


New Build – Behind the Scenes

Pupils in Key Stage 3, with an interested in pursing careers in the construction industry, got a sneak peek behind the scenes of our new build project. Pupils had the chance to meet with the contractors transforming C Block into new office spaces. Our pupils have aspirations to pursue careers as builders, plasters, electricians, plumbers and architects. They were able to see the progress made so far and gain advice about the varied and exciting careers in the industry.


Innovation Fest

Year 9 pupils visited Birmingham City University STEAM House for Innovation Fest. The festival showcased the work of the university students in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment.

Pupils were able to get involved in a number of interactive sessions throughout the day such as 3D printing, structural challenges, gaming and coding, to name a few. There was also an interesting talk from an AV Engineer who works at Holovis in the East Midlands. His job is to engineer the sound, storytelling and imagery for roller-coaster rides. It is a job that takes him all over the world, most recently Orlando and Abu Dhabi, where he helped design a new rollercoaster for Ferrari World.    

K. Choomer said: “I enjoyed the variety of activities and that so many were hands on”.

S. Wilkes said: “I really enjoyed using the VR Headsets but I found building the structures the most interesting”.

F. Palmer said: “I didn’t think I wanted a job in these areas, but games and roller-coaster design looks really fun.”


RICS Chartered Surveyor Workshop

Year 12 and 10 pupils were visited by Randip Bahra, a Chartered Surveyor and Fellow with RICS.  Pupils learnt about the numerous different career opportunities within surveying and learnt about Radnip’s journey into the his career and his passion for helping disadvantaged individuals progress into the heights of surveying careers. He is currently working with the Department for Education on building projects within schools across the region.

Pupils were introduced to sustainable projects, not just those that are environmentally friendly, but projects that have a wider social and economic impact too. For example, a project in Snow Hill in Birmingham has helped create a living space for the homeless, but the building also holds training hubs and meeting spaces for local employers, giving tenants the skills and contacts to progress their futures:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-18007879

K. Bynoe (Year 12) said: “I learnt a lot more about what a surveyor actually does and I now know about lots of different career opportunities that I didn’t before.”


National Apprenticeship Fair

With apprenticeships becoming an increasingly popular option, our Year 12 pupils visited the National Apprenticeship Fair at Millennium point. 

Students gained access to independent apprenticeship advice from Top UK Employers and Training Providers, including JLR, Ford, Vinci, the NHS and the BBC.

T. Clarke said: “I spoke to the police who have encouraged me to apply and look at specialisms.

M. Singh said: “That was useful, and I met the former Head Boy, who is doing really well for himself as an apprentice”.

Our students are keen to meet even more employers and apprenticeship providers. If you are interesting in exhibiting at our next Careers Fair in school, please contact postbox@barrbeaconschool.co.uk



Our aspiring medics in Year 12 attended the annual In2MedSchool Hackathon at Imperial College London. Following months of preparation, students presented their healthcare initiative, Fit Focus, to medical experts at the university. They received excellent feedback for their App to tackle childhood obesity and it was a great opportunity to develop some of the important skills for medical school, including teamwork, communication and courage! All students represented the school admirably and will now have a unique experience to add to their medical school applications. 


Crown Prosecution Service Webinar

Students and Pupils with an interest in pursuing legal careers, volunteered to take part in a webinar with the Crown Prosecution Service. Alongside celebrating International Women’s’ Day, with talks from some inspiring female leaders, the session allowed pupils to understand more about a career within the legal profession directly from the experts. 

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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