
A Level and BTEC Results 2024

Thursday 15th August 2024

We proudly watched on as our Year 13 students received an impressive set of A Level and BTEC results.

We were delighted to see so many happy faces as students reaped the rewards for the hard work that they have put in over the last two years.

Here are a few examples of individual successes:

Students are progressing on to a wide range of undergraduate courses and apprenticeships including:

Medicine at University of Birmingham

Politics and International Relations at University of Nottingham

Architecture at University of Liverpool

Computer Science at University of Sheffield

Sport and Exercise Science with professional placement or study abroad at University of Bath

Adult Nursing at University of Birmingham

Accounting and Finance at University of Leicester

Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies at University of Central Lancashire

Marketing at Liverpool John Moores University

Degree Apprenticeship with West Midlands Police

Degree Apprenticeship with AWE – Design and Construction Manager

Degree Apprenticeship with HSBC – Finance

Degree Apprenticeship with Wolverhampton Wanderers FC – Sports Coach

Degree Apprenticeship with MBDA – Business Chartered Manager

Degree Apprenticeship with BDO – Audit

Legal Apprenticeship with Gately Legal

Relationship Management Apprenticeship with NatWest

Materials Engineer with Balfour Beatty

The range of exciting destinations is a reflection of the individuality of our students.  We send them off with our best wishes and look forward to hearing about their successes in years to come.

This comment, from one of our students, sums up how we suspect many have been feeling:

“It hasn’t been easy but it’s worth it to come out the end feeling like this!  Over the last two weeks, I have imagined every outcome for Results Day and not once did I think I would be this happy!  I was genuinely shocked when I saw the green tick on UCAS!  I am going to uni!”

Congratulations Class of 2024 – we are very proud of you all!


Year 12 Mock Interview Day

Our Senior Team came up with a new idea to support their whole year group with their upcoming career applications. They requested that volunteers from local businesses visit the school to give mock interviews to everyone in Year 12. This was a big task, as it relied on people giving up their time to support a very large cohort of students. However the local community did not disappoint and we were pleased to welcome 14 very generous volunteers to Barr Beacon School.

The idea behind this was to help student’s become more familiar having formal interviews and help them to learn how to make a good impression with real employers from the world of work. Where possible we tried to match pupils up with an employer from the industry they were thinking of pursuing. Our volunteers were from backgrounds in an array of professions, including engineering, IT, construction, HR, education, psychology, business and finance.

The event received very positive feedback, with over 98% of students saying they found it helpful and 100% of students saying it made them feel more confident about the real interviews ahead of them.  

Some of the student feedback included:

“I was able to get feedback from an actual employer within the field that links to the career option I've chosen and gain an insight of the genuine expectations and requirements to work in that career.”

“Not knowing the interviewer made the interview more realistic.”

“The interviewer was very friendly and gave a lot of information and feedback.”

“I was given tips and tricks for future interviews.”

“The mock helped me to think on the spot about any questions future employers may ask me, improving my critical thinking skills.”


BCU Climania Game

Year 9 pupils with an interest in construction, property and design were given the unique opportunity to take part in a workshop led by Birmingham City University. As well as learning about careers within the built environment, pupils were introduced to the influence of sustainability on these future professions. However, this wasn’t any ordinary presentation; representatives from the university had brought along their own board game to teach pupils in a much more fun and interactive way. The Climania game was created by thirteen young people from Birmingham, working with two Birmingham City University staff and external collaborators. They developed the board game to inform people of the role of the built environment in the climate emergency, hence their strapline: “CLIMANIA: The Climate Action Game”. With a focus on urban planning and retrofitting, pupils were able to play their way through the construction process and learn as they went along.

Our pupil feedback was very positive:  

 “I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but that was actually pretty fun.”

“I have learnt about new things I didn’t know before, like retrofitting.”

“I don’t think my home is that environmentally friendly, but I’ve got some ideas now on how to improve it.”


Year 12 Work Experience Week

15th – 19th July 2024

Work Experience Week gives our students the opportunity to explore the working world and to decide whether a particular career is suited to them or not.

This year, once again, our students have found placements in a variety of industries.

The employers have been most impressed with the way in which our students have presented themselves and completed tasks to a high standard.

The students themselves have also been very positive about their experiences.

The Sixth Form Team enjoyed visiting the students and seeing them in action, hearing all of the wonderful comments and feedback below.


Mr A Oakley, the Operations Manager at Parker Precision Limited said that C Wilkins is “a very polite and sociable young man. He pays attention to detail and he is meticulous in his work. We are going to give him the opportunity later in the week to turn his hand to the CAD software.”

Mr T Newton, Senior Marketing Manager at Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club, said about R Rai“She has been brilliant this week. She has worked with the marketing team, the club host, hospitality, the media team and with Fan Services. She has also been doing some work for the pre-season tour to the US. Her work is of high quality, especially a great short video she produced. We have really enjoyed having her this week and we have invited her to come back next year.”

K Brookes has been enjoying working behind the scenes at National Express, where her varied placement has taken to work with HR, Marketing, Disability and Inclusion, Data Protection and Customer Services: “I really enjoyed working with branding team as it was fun coming up with ideas for the announcements. There is lots you think might be easy to do, but I’ve seen how a lot of people and hard work are needed to put everything together.” Her supervisor said: “Kayla has been amazing. She has devised a new strap line that has gone up to management for sign off and she has even chosen the bell sounds for the new announcements.”

P Garawal has been working for WPR Agency. She said: “They came into school last year to do a workshop with us and I really enjoyed learning about PR. My team was praised for our ideas, so I took my chance and asked the rep if they offered work experience, and now here I am. I wrote a press release and have been drafting some social media posts. I’ve been working with different people each day and getting a good overview of how the business works.

It is not just big PR firms that need a good presence on social media, Y Shaikh has been working for an online pharmacy, Apothecare Group Ltd, and aside from making up trays of blister packs and helping with the general organisation of the business, her employer utilised her online experience to make social media content to boost sales.

Some of our students are impressing their employers so much that they are being offered future employment. F Pullen has been working for SIPS Education, with his employer saying: “He is very polite and respectful and has been listening and engaged well. He has understood databases well and worked on our service desk. We would love to take him on as an IT Apprentice!


A Rajput has enjoyed his placement with Wellspace Architects. “At the moment I am working on a project to improve a school building which is currently not fit for purpose. The lack of lighting is a big problem so I have designed some new ideas for the roof structure. My previous work placement with Kier Construction was very hands on as I working on the ground seeing the build of a hospital. This was helpful as I got to see who I would be working alongside as an architect, such as the contractors, and I saw the designs come to life. My time with Wellspace has confirmed that architecture is where I want to be.

R Hayman has been working for a large global civil engineering form Mott MacDonald. Working at such impressive offices in the centre of Birmingham may seem difficult to secure, as many students don’t have contacts within their family, but all our student needed to do was write a persuasive and polite email. He was praised by his employer for “making an excellent first impression and utilising his A level Maths knowledge to really get to grips with the projects quickly”.

Just over the road in the centre of the business district in Birmingham, A Ravat was working with AECOM, another civil engineering firm, where he has made a wonderful impression on all the staff, with even the receptionist praising his friendly demeanour. He has said: “I’ve had a really good insight into civil engineering and worked across lots of departments, including manufacturing, mechanical, bridge planning and GeoTech. I’ve enjoyed seeing technology in action and using CAD software, which was applied to a project in Walsall a little closer to home, so it was great to work on a space I was familiar with.”

Y Chauhan has been working at Westley Plastics and said: “I feel like this has been real work experience. It is really hands on. I’ve been working on the machines and in the lab, analysing plastic samples for quality control. It was complicated at first but I’ve really enjoyed it.


I Adebayo was fortunate to be able to work closely with a Clinical Psychologist at Black Country NHS Foundation Trust whom she shadowed for the week. She visited two different hospitals, doing the ‘ward round’ at each and also worked with the Occupational Therapist. She said: “It was great to see how all the different services pull together to ensure that each patient is given the best care. It has been a really interesting week.”. Dr Agboaye said: “She is keen to learn and is very knowledgeable. She has been telling me about what she has learnt in Biology and Psychology and how it is linking to her work experience. We have also been discussing her future career as a Forensic Psychologist.”

T Hunt has been getting very valuable experience in the Acute Medical Unit at Sandwell Hospital: “It has been great to shadow doctors on their rounds with patients, to hear real information and see it happening. I was present as a patient’s life support was switched off which was very real and humbling, but it was interesting to experience as unfortunately this is part of the job.

A number of our students have also been supported by our wonderful local pharmacies. Walkers Pharmacy kindly support Barr Beacon Students every year and praised J McCormick and E Hobbs for their “huge enthusiasm, smart dress, hardworking attitude and excellent teamwork.

J Shoker said of his placement at Vesey Pharmacy: “I’m really enjoying it. I’ve been trusted to get involved in all areas. I like the dispensing part best. There are so many drugs, all in alphabetical order, so lots to deal with and everything has to be done with 100% accuracy.” 

M Adebanji was based at Larvic Pharmacy. She said “I am enjoying the work and working with different people. Working is hard though! My legs ache at the end of the day. I now appreciate even more what my mum and my teachers do every day!”


R Arefin gained great feedback from her employer at New Hope Global: “She has been great. We are a charity that runs lots of community projects, helping the most vulnerable in local communities. She has been helping out with an Awards Ceremony for our ESOL students and she has been taking the lead with some data management, as well as shadowing an advice worker.

Some of our students have been supporting their local charity stores. P Balu said of her time at the British Heart Foundation: “I’ve made some press releases and done lots of customer service to boost my confidence. We’ve sold some big items today.” Over at Barnardo’s, L Arnold’s employer said: “We’ve had a huge volume of deliveries this week so it has been great to have her on hand. She is amazing. She usually volunteers on a Sunday, so we have been able to ask her to train others up.”

M Riley supported Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church, saying: “It’s been really good. l’ve had a great time. I’ve been working on the foodbank and preparing for a camp event. I have really enjoyed the hands on work and being able to help people.

We have also had a group of students participating in NCS where their focus was to raise money and do some work in the local community. Our Reps from NCS said: “I want to express how much I've enjoyed working with this group of Year 12 students. They put in an amazing effort and it was wonderful to see some of our quieter students step out of their comfort zones and approach others to share information about our stall. They've been an absolute pleasure to work with and I wish them all the best for their futures.


A number of students are seeking to work in the legal profession and have had managed to secure experience at various Legal Services. 

H Kureshi has been viewing the law through the perspective of criminal specialists: Riley Hayes Solicitors. Her placement has allowed her to shadow a Magistrate at Walsall Magistrate’s Court, visit a Police Station to observe how clients are supported, and even watch a murder trial at the Crown Courts in Birmingham. Her employer praised her “intelligent questions and eagerness to learn how everything works”.

M Hopkins has experienced working for the global law firm Kennedys, who specialise in corporate law. Her employer noted that “Megan’s study of a BTEC in Law has really helped her to understand some of our case files, especially around claims for negligence. She has settled in really well.

R Bradshaw has been working so hard at David Bunn & Co Solicitors that he is “exhausted by the end of the day”, as his employer noted, “but it is worth it as he has made a fantastic impression and been trusted with a lot of responsibility, opening several files, taking telephone calls to other lawyers, sitting in with client meetings and getting involved in out of office appointments.

O Fallowfield has gained a great insight at Harrison Clark Rickerbys Ltd: “I’ve been around several departments: banking, immigration, employment, wills and probate. I’ve joined team meetings, webinars and client calls so they’ve really allowed me to see a law career up close.

Z Copeland has been working at Dudley Magistrates Court: “I’ve been sat with a legal adviser observing a real variety of court sessions. It’s been interesting to see judges show compassion to defendants pushed into crime due to the cost of living crisis. I’m honestly loving it. My diary is full.


T Harris has been working with students at Oakwood Primary School. The class teacher she has been supporting said “She is the best work experience student we have ever had!  She gets involved, she is a great helping hand and she has been interacting with the students really well.”

K Bromwich said of her experience at Story Wood School: “I have loved it. It’s been really hands on. I have helped lots of pupils with their writing in geography lessons, forming sentences correctly, and I am doing lots of guided reading. There have also been some fun quizzes that the pupils enjoyed. I am still not certain of my career aspiration, it is between teaching and one other thing, but this placement has pushed me closer towards teaching.

H Russell has been working at Meadow View JMI School. She said: “I’m still deciding between secondary or primary but the placement has 100% confirmed that teaching is for me.

Over at St Margaret’s School, G Carlin’s employer said: “She is a hit! She has made a fantastic impression both on the staff and pupils.

Moving over to a secondary school, St Edmund Campion Catholic School, S Roden has been helping to run their Culture Day, but has also been able to get creative, making new displays for the school. She said: “I want to study Fine Art at university and finding work experience in a gallery proved difficult, however I have gained some transferable skills here as I was able to get creative.

L Thorp impressed at West Bromwich Collegiate Academy within the sports department. Her employer said: “She has been fab. Can we keep her? She uses her initiative, setting up for lessons without being asked and engaging very well with the pupils.

At South and City College Birmingham, I Jhalley’s employers have said: “She has been a delight to work with and has come across very professionally in all of her communications both verbally and in writing. She has worked well within the team and had very positive feedback consistently, with the opportunity to assist with our summer enrolment period. She has requested to extend her work experience with us as she has relished the experience and insight within People Services/HR and the world of work.


C Reynolds reflected on his time at Haslehurst Accountants: “It’s been very hands on, processing VATs. I’ve enjoyed getting involved. I’m not the most confident person but this has brought me out of my shell. I am proud of myself.

C Large has been working on rotation with various teams at Lloyds Bank. He said “I am really enjoining it. I was surprised the tasks are easier to understand than expected. I thought it would be really complicated but I am much less daunted now. Everyone has been very supportive.” 

A Singh, said of his time at Ark Aurora Ltd: “I’m getting a good feel for the workplace. It was initially challenging getting to grips with the processes; it felt very real but I’ve really enjoyed it. I am already getting comfortable dealing with VAT returns, raising purchase invoices and CRNs and balancing accounts.”  

Over at City Tax Accountants, A Parekh said: “It’s been a good learning experience. I’ve been examining invoices, receipts, VAT returns and bank summaries. I have to find the small differences and spot the errors, which takes a lot of concentration. It’s been a really good insight and I definitely still want to work in this field.


Most Able- Year 10 Girls STEM Residential Loughborough University

A group of our 'Most Able' students (Y.Jallow, I.Rogers, I.Preist, C.Zheng & Z.Hussain) got to experience life at Loughborough University, taking part in the STEM residential challenge. As part of the week, they completed academic sessions including building their own solar powered cars and designing their own buildings. They also completed the Athena Island project – designing their own sustainable island for a community of 40 families to live, work and enjoy. The student's work was then presented at the end of the week to a panel of judges; consisting of members of Ford Motor Company, a Loughborough University visiting fellow, alongside other University students. Their island design ‘Mango Island’ was exceptional and was chosen as the winning island by our panel! Congratulations to you all, well done!!!


Results Day Information 2024

A Level Results Day – Thursday 15th August 2024

Year 13 results will be available from 8:00am. Arrival from 7:45am

GCSE Results Day – Thursday 22nd August 2024

Year 11 results will be available for collection between 8.00am -9.15am

Sixth Form Applicants should go to the Hall. If pupils have not applied to the Sixth Form, they should go to the Sports Hall.

Applicants from other schools: If you wish to take up your place at our Sixth Form, please bring your examination results and either your birth certificate or passport (original documents only) to school between 11:30am and 12:30pm.


Sixth Form Induction Week

8th – 12th July 2024

It was a pleasure welcoming back over 90 of our Year 11 students who have applied for a place at Barr Beacon Sixth Form.

The students spent 4 days attending lessons for their chosen courses.  They were also given the opportunity to trial alternative subjects so that they are able to make an informed decision when finalising their choices ready for September.

Our current Year 12 students shared their experience of Sixth Form, giving advice and top tips on how to ensure that they pick the right options, managing the workload, developing independence, managing time effectively, making the most of the opportunities offered and applying for the Lead Role positions. 

The week ended with a Team Building Day.  Year 12 students led on the activities which helped develop logical thinking, communication skills, confidence and resilience.  The activities included:  Night Line, Mine Field, Tyre Maths, Nuclear Reactor and Operation Swamp Doctor.  It was heart-warming to see the two year groups working so well together, having fun and building up a rapport ready for the new term.

The students enjoyed the week and commented on how helpful it has been in preparation for September, when they will be starting their Key Stage 5 journey with us.

We are looking forward to seeing them again on GCSE Results Day – Thursday 22nd  August 2024.

Comments from the students:

“The Sixth Form induction week was so useful as it gave me a better understanding of what I will  be doing when I join back in September. It gave me an insight into the subjects that I want to pick for A levels.  The Team Building Day gave me the opportunity to strengthen my relationships with the people in my year group.”

“Today's activities were  fun and enjoyable. It was a very nice way to end the week by bonding with my fellow peers and there was also a fun aspect of competitiveness! Today exceeded my expectation of what I imagined it to be and was definitely the highlight of the week!”

"The Team Building Day was a great.  I liked that we got to work with the current Year 12 students.”


Fundraising efforts raise over £3000!

At the start of this academic year, we set ourselves a goal to raise £3000 for charity.

Our Sixth Form students have worked exceptionally hard throughout the year, to ensure that this goal was reached.

Their efforts have come to fruition and we are pleased to announce that in total we have raised a staggering £3775.88!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us in helping to raise this money.

Well done to our Sixth Form ambassadors for a job well done!

The money raised will be donated to Macmillan Cancer SupportChildren in Need, Comic ReliefBirmingham Children’s Hospital and Humanity First.


Barr Beacon Prom 2024

On Friday evening Year 11 celebrated the end of their exams at our annual Prom.  Everyone arrived in luxury dressed to the nines to enjoy an evening of fun, dancing and some very special treats.  The weather was on our side as we all enjoyed the beautiful countryside setting and as the sun set, the dance floor came to life with.  A wonderful evening was had by all. 


Foxhills Fishery

On Thursday 4th July, Mr. Bullock and Mr. Townsend rewarded our Tigers pupils by taking them to Foxhills Fishery. The pupils had a fantastic day out and learnt a number of new skills, which subsequently led to us catching a lot of fish. Fishing teaches us how to be patient, disciplined and work as part of team, all of which are invaluable skills, which we can apply to school life. Here is a truly amazing picture of the catch of the day!

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2025 © All Rights Reserved
