
Exam Certificate Collection

If you would like us to send out the certificates in the post we will require you to send in a Large stamped addressed envelope with recorded delivery (it has to be sent recorded delivery as this is a requirement from the exam boards).

Please telephone the school and make an appointment with the receptionist if you would like to come and collect them or if you wish someone to collect them on your behalf. Please give them a letter of authorisation and ask them to bring a form of identification.

BB Dec 2020 Award Images-05

Annual Awards Evening 2020

On Wednesday 2nd December we held our Annual Awards Evening. This year it took the form of a virtual event, however the significance of the event remained the same. We joined together to celebrate the achievements of our pupils during the last academic year and celebrate their successes.

Our Guest Speaker was Dr Dan Perry, a former Head Boy of Barr Beacon School in 1997, who is now a Children’s Orthopaedic Surgeon at Alder Hay Children’s Hospital and a clinical trial lead for the British Orthopaedic Association. Dan gave an inspirational speech which would have provided great motivation to our pupils.

We were also joined by Mr Mills, who had taught at Barr Beacon School for over 45 years, to present an awarded named in his honour to our most outstanding Mathematician.


Remote Scholastic Book fair

This year Barr Beacon will be running a remote Scholastic Book fair. To give you the opportunity to buy books below is a list of all the books available to purchase. If you would like to buy a book, you will need to order over the phone at home where you will receive a transaction code. The order slip with the transaction code and book title will then need to be sent back into school where the book will be then delivered to the pupil.

There is also a range of stationary available to purchase. The list for this is also below.

When buying books from the Book Fair the money also raises money for the school to enable us to buy great new books for the Library.

When purchasing you will be asked for the school code. The school code is - 23400062.


Remembrance 2020

Tyne in Year 11 produced this poem to commemorate Remembrance

Close your eyes,
Take a breath.
Just for a minute that’s my request.
Pay your respect to those who fought,
To give us the freedom we were brought.
To those who fell,
Those who cried,
Those who tried but sadly died.
So close your eyes
Take a breath.
Remember our heroes:
That’s my only request.

For our Remembrance Commemorations this year our Cadets performed a special ceremony which was introduced by our Flight Lieutenant (and Director of English) Mrs Muller.

Then Cadets read the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’. The Last Post, played by music teacher Miss Chater, heralded the silence and her performance of Reveille concluded it.

The Kohima Epitaph was then read by a Cadet ahead of the wreath being laid by our Head Boy and Head Girl. The ceremony was broadcast to all form groups.


English Speaking Assessments

In order to pass GCSE English language, each pupil needs to be assessed on their speaking ability. This assessment will take place during school time. Although it does not form a part of their GCSE grade, they will receive a separate grade for this element: either Pass, Merit or Distinction. This result will be reported on the GCSE certificate in addition to the grade 9-1.

For Year 10 only we are required to provide audio-visual recordings of the presentations of a sample of candidates. These recordings will not be shared with anyone other than the exam board and secured in accordance with GDPR regulations. Year 11’s assessments will not need to be recorded.

Each pupil has received a lesson about how to prepare and what to include in their assessment but, should they have any questions, they can ask their teacher or contact Mrs Kapcia or their English language teacher on Teams. We have also produced a video explaining how to prepare for the assessment, which is available here:

You can also view below some speaking and listening videos featuring pupils from other schools (these are materials sent out by the exam board).

This assessment was awarded a Distinction

This one was awarded a Merit 

You may want to support your child by helping them practise their presentation.

If you have any queries about these assessments, please contact Mr Lowbridge-Ellis, Deputy Headteacher.


Help your child revise: the science of revision

To support Year 11 with their revision ahead of their mocks, we have produced this video explaining the science of revision. It will help them identify what they can do more effectively to get more information to stick in their memories. They have already been shown this in assembly and it has been emailed to them, but we thought it would be helpful for parents and carers to see as well so you can understand the science of revision and support them in their efforts.

This is a PowerPoint file so just start it as a slide show to hear a running commentary and right click your mouse to pause at any point.

If your child does not have PowerPoint at home, don’t worry - they can use our Microsoft 365 subscription (they need to log in using the Home Access button in the top right of this page).


Virtual Progress Evenings: Top Tips

This year we will not be inviting parents/carers onto school site for progress evenings. This is in line with government Covid-19 guidance. Progress evenings for each year group will therefore take place via video appointments.

The school’s online appointment booking system allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. At the time of your appointment, you can join a video meeting with your child’s teacher by logging into your appointments and clicking the ‘join video meetings’ link.  

Tips for a successful appointment:  

  • Please visit to book your appointments. Your login details can be found in a letter that will be sent home prior to your child’s Virtual Progress Evening. Should this letter have been mislaid you can contact your child’s House Office who will be happy to provide you with login details.
  • Guidance on how to join the video meetings with your child’s teachers can be found at
  • Please note that video appointments are strictly limited to 5 minutes. A timer at the top of your screen indicates the length of time remaining in the meeting and, after 5 minutes, the video link will close.  Your child’s teacher has no control over this. If you have any remaining questions following your appointment please contact House Office. 
  • If you do not have access to the internet, please contact your child’s House Office who will be happy to arrange a telephone consultation to give you information about your child’s progress. 
  • If you have a slow internet connection at home, please ask other users of tablets, gaming consoles or television applications to refrain from using these for the duration of your meetings. If your video appointment is unsuccessful, a follow-up telephone conversation can be arranged with the House Office at a later date. 
  • If you are experiencing problems with your virtual appointment, moving closer to your wireless router can often improve the quality and clarity of your video appointment. 
Mock exams

Government Exams Update

As you have probably seen, the Department of Education has announced the following: 

 “Almost all” A levels and GCSEs, exams will start on Monday 7th June (first day after the spring half-term holiday) and end on Friday 2nd July. “Almost all” means, according to the government, that “one maths and one English GCSE exam will be held just before the May half-term, giving any Year 11 pupils who are affected by Covid-19 the best possible chance of still sitting a paper in each of these core subjects.” Vocational qualifications (e.g. BTEC) are expected to be “align” with GCSEs and A levels.  

The government, through their exams regulator Ofqual, has made some adjustments to some qualifications. 

The full details are here:

This is how it affects the courses our pupils study: 

  • GCSE Art & Design: assessment will be based solely on pupils’ portfolios. 
  • GCSE Biology, Chemistry & Physics: required practicals may be taught through observation. 
  • GCSE Computer Science: programming can take place in unsupervised time. 
  • GCSE Drama: pupils may evaluate recorded performances rather than having to visit a theatre. 
  • GCSE English Literature: we will be able to choose a text we won’t study. 
  • GCSE Food: the amount and complexity of Non-Examined Assessment (coursework) has been reduced. 
  • GCSE French, German & Spanish: instead of speaking examinations, there will be a spoken language endorsement (accredited as either pass/merit/distinction/ fail) that will be reported separately alongside the 9 – 1 GCSE grade. 
  • GCSE Geography: students will not complete fieldwork but will be examined on the theory associated with fieldwork in the exam instead. 
  • GCSE History: we will be able to choose a topic we won’t study.  
  • GCSE Media Studies: coursework has been reduced. 
  • GCSE Physical Education: pupils will need to demonstrate only two activities. 
  • GCSE Design & Technology: there is no longer a requirement for the production of a full prototype 
  • A Level Biology, Chemistry & Physics: required practicals will be reduced to a minimum. 
  • A Level Geography: there will be more flexibility in the non-examination assessment (coursework) in relation to the students’ own fieldwork. 
  • A Level Physical Education: the exam board will require less evidence for activities. 

For all subjects, there will be no changes to the length, number, or format of the exam papers, except as necessary to accommodate the specific changes listed above. 

Exam results days for 2021 have been set as follows: 

Tuesday 24th August for A levels 

Friday 27th August for GCSEs 


Careers Guidance Pupil Hub

We are excited to launch our brand new Careers Guidance Pupil Hub.

Pupils need to be prepared for the evolving working world and so, at the heart of our Careers Programme, is a focus on building up essential lifelong employability skills.

Visit our new website to access a wealth of careers guidance, designed to support both pupils and parents.

With our brand new resources, you can…

  • Choose a subject you love and see where it might lead
  • Explore your options for when you leave school
  • Gain valuable advice on applying to university, apprenticeships and jobs
  • Practice your interview skills
  • Discover alternative options like gap years or starting your own business


UK University & Apprenticeship Search Virtual Fair returns!

Wednesday 21st October: 12.00pm-6.00pm 

Designed for Year 11, 12 and 13 students and their parents, this is an unmissable opportunity to meet over 100 universities and apprenticeship providers. You can also gain vital advice from 10 webinars (see here) throughout the day, on topics such as taking an apprenticeship and UCAS applications.

You can sign up and find out more here: 

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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