Pupils in Year 9 had the chance to go to work with a parent, relative or trusted family friend for the day. This was potentially their first taste of the world of work. Our feedback from parents showed pupils were really making the most of the opportunity:
G Bruerton was on his feet all day working at Ember Inns. His mother said “He has been doing a bit of everything, running food to tables and potwash. He’s loving his day working.”
T Clive worked with his father at Royal Mail, who said that “He's loving it. He’s been on reception and working with the redirections team. He has enjoyed seeing the behind the scenes of Royal Mail.”
E Harris went to work with his mother at a local primary school: “He’s done brilliantly; he’s got on well with the younger children, taken part in loads of activities and made resources. He is now considering it for a future career.”
H Beesley had a great day at Headway Charity Shop, with her parent saying “She is working really well. She has used her initiative to organise some areas and is speaking to customers really well.”

E Maher worked with her mother, a community midwife: “"Had a very cheery E Maher helping us Community Midwives today. She helped set up, took part and helped tidy up after a very busy Parent Education Class this morning where we had over 20 patients. She also helped the patients coming into Postnatal clinic this afternoon, answering doors, showing them where to go and generally making them comfortable prior to their appointments. She is a lovely young lady and smiled all day long which made us all happy as well. She was happy to do any tasks asked of her no matter how small.”
J Nath worked with his uncle in the manufacturing industry, where he showcased his excellent listening and speaking skills: “He enjoyed the experience, asked a lot of questions and was an attentive listener. He also had the chance to design his own cup.”
A Neal worked as a nursery nurse and did so well, she has been extended a future offer of employment: “She has been amazing, worked hard and had a fantastic attitude.”
B Broadmore had a very active experience with the Fire Service. His dad said “He is having a good day. He's been out in the fire engine and tried the breathing apparatus on.”

Those in school took part in a virtual work experience with Next Gen Makers, where they designed their own video games and put their artistic skills to the test, deigning their own character for the movies. Another group of pupils in school also took part in a live work experience session with the Civil Service. We were joined by Jack (a former Barr Beacon student) and Gemma, who both work in trade. After an insight into the many different roles within the Civil Service, pupils were then set a challenge to take part in their own mock trade negotiation. It was a tricky task that really tested our pupils’ communication and problem solving skills, as well as their ability to think on their feet.