
Coronavirus Advice

Advice for all early years providers, schools and further education providers.

The government is closely monitoring the spread of the Coronavirus and is taking action at home and abroad.

The overall risk of Coronavirus to the UK remains moderate. However, we understand that people may be concerned where there are children, students or staff returning from or visiting China.

Public Health England and the Foreign Office have issued advice for anyone travelling to the area. This can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/china

Advice for parents/guardians

You should not be unduly worried about the possibility of your children catching the Coronavirus.

There is no reason why your children should not continue to attend their early years, school or further education setting as normal.

We recognise that some families or children may be planning to travel to China during the forthcoming half-term period. If so, please refer to the FCO’s latest travel advice via the link above.

What action you can take?

A UK wide campaign has been launched to provide clear advice on how to slow the spread of Coronavirus.

Please help to support the campaign which promotes basic hygiene practices, such as regularly washing hands and always sneezing into a tissue, to stem the spread of viruses.


Orchestral Experience

A group of pupils experienced a live orchestral performance by the world-renowned City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO) at Symphony Hall in Birmingham.

After opening with a thunderous rendition of Alan Silvestri’s theme from The Avengers films, the orchestra played pieces by Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Pärt and more.

This is what some of the pupils said:

Sami: “I liked the heavenly sounding one. The piece Tchaikovsky wrote for a bet with his friend.”

Mercedes: “I really liked it but I’m not sure why. It was a new experience.”
Nicole: “It was really interesting watching them and seeing how they played their instruments.”


NCS Gold Award

We are delighted to announce that the National Citizenship Service has awarded us with Gold status because so many of our students signed up. As well as a plaque, we received a certificate from the Prime Minister.

The National Citizen Service is open to all 16 and 17-year-olds in England. It helps young people build skills for work and life, while they take on new challenges and meet new friends. They have a short time away from home and take part in a team project that will help their community.


How to Self Quiz?

Self-quizzing is a powerful strategy to get knowledge stuck in your long-term memory.  And it’s so simple to do! We use self-quizzing in lessons as well as setting it for homework. 

Watch our video to see a step-by-step guide of how to do it. 

  • The sheet used in the video (European capital cities) – HERE
  • Knowledge you have written down in your exercise book  
  • Knowledge organisers you have been given by your teachers 
  • The knowledge pages at the back of your planner, including: multiplication tables, commonly misspelt words, maths formulae, types of triangles, angles equations, parts of speech and world maps.

Maths Revision Resources

This is a selection of some of the Maths department’s favourite websites to help aid independent work and revision completed at home:

Maths Watch - https://vle.mathswatch.co.uk/vle/

Log onto the system using your unique login and password, once on the system to access questions click on ‘my progress’ at the top of the screen then click on the bar next to the topic you want to work on, if you have trouble with this pop and see your maths teacher. 

Maths Genie - http://www.mathsgenie.co.uk/gcse.html

The GCSE revision tab is particularly useful and has revision notes and model answers with questions along with questions for you to attempt and then also the solutions for these questions.

BBC Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/z9p3mnb

This is the new version of BBC Bitesize which has been updated with the resources for the new specification, it has guided run through on techniques, video clips, activities and tests to complete. This covers all topics on the new GCSE specification.

Mr Barton Maths - http://www.mrbartonmaths.com/gcse.htm

This website gives you a while variety of resources from past exam papers (remember these are the old specification papers) to “walking and talking notes”, it also has revision notes on the majority of topics and includes a lot more, it is well worth a look around to see what is available!

Corbett Maths

This has questions and practice papers to access on the website along with videos on how to complete some of the practice papers. There is also a “5 a day section” which allows you to practice 5 different questions from 5 different topics for every day of the year. 

On Maths - http://onmaths.com/

Please remember the predicted paper is only what they think – there is no guarantee that these questions or topics will come up. The computer only awards marks for fully correct answers and not working out and the marks down the side may change for the real exams as they are only rough guides!

Don’t forget you also have access to maths workout numbers 1 to 8 on the system which can be accessed through the start menu -> maths then clicking on them, they are split into sections as follows :

  1. Number work
  2. Number work
  3. Shape and space work
  4. Shape and space work
  5. Data handling work
  6. Data handling work
  7. Algebra work
  8. Algebra work

Armistice Day - Poppy Veil

Inspired by the original artist, Paul Cummins, we decided to commemorate Armistice day with our own version of the famous ‘Weeping Window’. The whole school project included every pupil and student at Barr Beacon contributing to the installation by making a grand total of 3800 poppies. 

The poppy veil was formed by various pupils, Including five young boys who have a parent currently serving in the forces. This was a special time for them to reflect on their parents’ contribution to the welfare of our society and the boys thoroughly enjoyed being part of the creative process. 

Aldridge Remembrance Service
We are very proud of our Head Boy Harjodh and our Deputy Head Girl Edna who represented Barr Beacon School at the  Remembrance Service that was held at Aldridge War Memorial on Sunday 10th November 2019.    During the service, they laid a wreath, on behalf of the school


GCSE Success!

Barr Beacon School pupils are celebrating an impressive set of GCSE results where there has been a fivefold increase in the number of pupils achieving a grade 9, the government’s new gold standard. 

Some of the high achievers who collected a string of 8 and 9 grades included 

R. Ghag with three grade 8s and five grade 9s. 

D. Kaler with four grade 8s and one grade 9

The results are a culmination of the hard work and focused revision of pupils during their careers at Barr Beacon School. We can’t wait to welcome back our hard-working pupils as sixth form students in September. It’s immensely satisfying to celebrate not only the pupils with the top grades but also those who have made the most progress in their time with us, and for many this success will only continue into the sixth form.


A Level Results 2019

Barr Beacon School students are celebrating a host of impressive A level results, with almost one-fifth of grades at A*/A or equivalent. 

We are very proud of our students. They are progressing to a wide range of exciting courses and destinations: medicine, nursing, criminology and law. 

Our students’ choices reflect their individuality and we are delighted for them.

Individual successes include: 

L. Baldwyn-Jolly: achieved A*AB in Maths, Chemistry and Biology and he will be reading Bio-Medical Sciences at the University of Birmingham. 

F. Dunn: achieved A*AB in Philosophy, Sociology and History and she will be reading Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science at the University of Birmingham. 

P. Balu: achieved AAB in Maths, Biology and Chemistry and she will be reading Medicine at University of Birmingham. 

S. Nelson: ABB in Sociology, English Literature and History. She will be reading Criminology with Social Policy at the University of Nottingham. 

F. Simkiss: achieved BBB in English Literature, History and Sociology and will be reading American Studies with Film (including a year abroad) at the University of Essex. 

M. Guy-Hickson: BBB in English Literature, History, Psychology and an A* in her EPQ. Mia will be reading Ancient History at the University of Nottingham.


Students Dig Up School History

We are excited to announce that we have discovered a time capsule, which was buried on the school site in 1996.  

The contents of the capsule reveal what the curriculum was like in 1996. Items inside the treasure trove include photographs, textbooks and a floppy disk, which today’s students could barely recognise.

Our Senior Team was chosen to open the capsule. You can watch this, live as it happened, on this video:

We knew there was a time capsule buried on our site, but it was not until we received a photograph from a former teacher that we had any idea where it was located.  This could not come at a better time, with our anniversary celebrations right around the corner: Our school is sixty years old this year and we are having a special evening to commemorate this on Friday 12th July. 

We are looking forward to having former pupils and teachers back on site.  Our initial allocation of five hundred tickets sold out rapidly but we have released some more because we know demand is still high.

Stay tuned to our website: Barr Beacon’s Senior Team will shortly be launching a competition to decide what to put in a new time capsule to represent 2019.

And if you recognise any of the students in the original photo (from 1996) – or maybe you are one of them yourself! – please get in touch so you can help us learn more about the time capsule.


Year 13 Graduation Celebration

Year 13 marked the start of their Study Leave with a Celebration Assembly.

Students wore their Leavers’ Hoodies as they enjoyed a look back over their time in Sixth Form. Funny stories were shared and Form Tutors shared kind words about their tutees. We even had a live link to Finland!

We wish all of our Year 13 students the very best of luck for their forthcoming exams and we look forward to celebrating their success with them in August.

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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