
Results Day Information

A Level Results Day - Thursday 17th August 2023

Year 13 results will be available from 8:00am. Arrival from 7:45am

GCSE Results Day - Thursday 24th August 2023

Year 11 results will be available for collection between 8.00am -9.15am

Sixth Form Applicants should go to the Hall. If pupils have not applied to the Sixth Form, they should go to the Sports Hall.

Applicants from other schools: If you wish to take up your place at our Sixth Form, please bring your examination results and either your birth certificate or passport (original documents only) to school between 11:30am and 12:30pm.


Matrix ‘Far From Home’ - Turing 2023-24

Sweden, Italy, Peru

We are delighted to announce that, for the third year running, Matrix Academy Trust has had another successful Turing bid.

The Turing Scheme is the UK government’s programme to provide funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world. It supports Global Britain by providing an opportunity for UK organisations from the higher education, further education, vocational education and training and schools sectors to offer young people  life-changing experiences.

This year, pupils in Year 8 from across Matrix schools will be visiting Sweden. Year 10 will be exploring ancient history in Italy. Year 12 students will be travelling around the world to Peru.

We chose ‘Far From Home’ as the name of our 2023-24 Turing project because we are committed to promoting an international outlook with our pupils. For our young people to be successful, we need to do whatever we can to broaden their horizons - and one way of doing this is to take them ‘far from home’. We will be making sure the pupils who are selected to go on these visits will be those that will benefit most from them.

More information about these opportunities will be shared in September.

Read our report on last year’s Matrix visit to Japan here:

Find out more about the Turing scheme here:


Year 9 Take Your Child To Work Day

Pupils in Year 9 had the chance to go to work with a parent, relative or trusted family friend for the day. This was potentially their first taste of the world of work. Our feedback from parents showed pupils were really making the most of the opportunity:  

G Bruerton was on his feet all day working at Ember Inns. His mother said “He has been doing a bit of everything, running food to tables and potwash. He’s loving his day working.” 

T Clive worked with his father at Royal Mail, who said that “He's loving it. He’s been on reception and working with the redirections team. He has enjoyed seeing the behind the scenes of Royal Mail.” 

E Harris went to work with his mother at a local primary school: “He’s done brilliantly; he’s got on well with the younger children, taken part in loads of activities and made resources. He is now considering it for a future career.” 

H Beesley had a great day at Headway Charity Shop, with her parent saying “She is working really well. She has used her initiative to organise some areas and is speaking to customers really well.” 

E Maher worked with her mother, a community midwife: “"Had a very cheery E Maher helping us Community Midwives today. She helped set up, took part and helped tidy up after a very busy Parent Education Class this morning where we had over 20 patients. She also helped the patients coming into Postnatal clinic this afternoon, answering doors, showing them where to go and generally making them comfortable prior to their appointments. She is a lovely young lady and smiled all day long which made us all happy as well. She was happy to do any tasks asked of her no matter how small.” 

J Nath worked with his uncle in the manufacturing industry, where he showcased his excellent listening and speaking skills: “He enjoyed the experience, asked a lot of questions and was an attentive listener. He also had the chance to design his own cup.” 

A Neal worked as a nursery nurse and did so well, she has been extended a future offer of employment: “She has been amazing, worked hard and had a fantastic attitude.” 

B Broadmore had a very active experience with the Fire Service. His dad said “He is having a good day. He's been out in the fire engine and tried the breathing apparatus on.”

Those in school took part in a virtual work experience with Next Gen Makers, where they designed their own video games and put their artistic skills to the test, deigning their own character for the movies. Another group of pupils in school also took part in a live work experience session with the Civil Service. We were joined by Jack (a former Barr Beacon student) and Gemma, who both work in trade. After an insight into the many different roles within the Civil Service, pupils were then set a challenge to take part in their own mock trade negotiation. It was a tricky task that really tested our pupils’ communication and problem solving skills, as well as their ability to think on their feet.  


Year 8 Speed Networking

Every pupil in Year 8 took part in a special careers event that allowed them to meet numerous local employers and many of our Alumni. Our Speed Networking event gave pupils the chance to meet with our guests and speak to them about their careers and educational journeys, gaining important advice for their futures. Each small group of pupils had 5 minutes to speak to a guest, before we swapped the guests over. Pupils were therefore able to meet with at least 6 new people, developing their confidence communicating. It was also wonderful to welcome so many of our former Barr Beacon students back to the school, who are always so keen to volunteer and give back to the school that once supported them.  

Pupils met a veterinary surgeon, a conductor, an Assistant Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Consultant for WSP, a Wholesale Credit Underwriter for LE Capital UK, a mental health professional and Thoughtful Impact lead for Birmingham universities and hospitals, a Railway Engineer, a Junior PR and Content Executive for WPR Agency, a CIPD Lecturer at Wolverhampton College, site managers at Kier Construction and a freelance speaker and writer, specialising in psychiatric system change. 


Cambridge Open Day

Year 12 students with aspirations to apply to Cambridge enjoyed attending their recent open day. Students viewed a series of taster lectures, ranging from medicine through to Computer Science, and toured some of the colleges. It was a great opportunity to meet current students and hear their advice, as well as to listen to the professors and academics. The students also had time to explore the beautiful city of Cambridge.  


Open Events 2023

We will be holding a few open events this year to give all prospective Year 7 parents and pupils the chance to come and visit us. These events will give you a little insight into what is means to be a pupil at Barr Beacon School and give you the chance to ask any questions you may have.

Open Evening will take place on Thursday 14th September 2023 6:00pm – 9:00pm 

Open Mornings in October will take place on Friday 15th September 9:00-10:00am and Friday 6th – October 9:00-10:00am.


Diana Award

Over the past four months, 20 year 10 pupils have been completing their social action projects as part of the Diana Award. The Diana Awards Mentoring Programme works with schools and businesses to give young people an insight into the world of work and offer careers and citizenship skills training. Pupils are matched with a Mentor from the world of work, who work alongside the organisation’s Youth Facilitator to guide the group of pupils through the programme. Mentors also support the pupils to plan a social action project around a topic in their community or globally, of which they feel passionate about. Barr Beacon Pupils were extremely fortunate to work alongside Tom who is a senior advisor at the HSBC.   Some of this year’s social action projects included: setting up a charity providing support for mothers, the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis on children and food poverty. All pupils were extremely passionate in their presentations and have successfully achieved their Award. Well done to all pupils involved.  


Year 13 Leavers' Ball

We enjoyed celebrating with our Year 13 students at their Leavers’ Ball on Friday 7th July, marking the end of the examination period and the end of their journey with us. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed from the food through to the dancing into the early hours!

We are extremely proud of all that they have achieved over the last 7 years and we are excited to see what the future holds for them.

We are looking forward to celebrating with them again, as they receive their A level and BTEC results, on Thursday 17th August 2023.  Then we will be ready to send them off, with our good wishes, to embark on the next leg of their journey!


Year 12: Aston University Open Day

As our Year 12 students continue to prepare for their future steps, they visited the Open Day at Aston University.  They experienced a taste of life at university through attending lectures in a variety of subjects areas such as Computer Science, Psychology, Business Management, Nursing and Law, seeing the facilities that the university offers and meeting lecturers and student ambassadors.  This visit gave them a fantastic opportunity to explore what university has to offer and to begin to make important choices about their future.

Nikita M: “I really enjoyed having the freedom to choose the lectures that I could attend and went to the Business & Management lecture.

Yasmin C: “I enjoyed learning more about the courses and it gave me an insight into the university process and what you do in the 4 years.  It also gave me clarity on the subject I want to study.

Karum K: “I enjoyed the opportunity of attending a university when it is busy, experiencing the atmosphere and what it might be like full of students.

Naran C: “I enjoyed the Accounting and Finance lecture as it was informative.”

Jude M: “I really enjoyed the tours of the university and experiencing all that university life has to offer.


Senior Four

Head Student Team 2023 - 2024  

Congratulations to our new Head Student Team on their successful appointments.  We are looking forward to working with them as they bring their ideas to the role.  

A message from our Senior Four  

We are honoured to represent Barr Beacon as the Head Students. We see these significant roles as a great opportunity and privilege to act on behalf of our school. 

We look back at our predecessors and recognise the high standards that they have set, their accomplishments and the manner in which they have upheld the Beacon Values.  We realise that we are following in their stead and that we have a chance to continue their work.  We will be collaborating with both staff and students to generate ideas and then drive them forward towards successful implementation.  

With this in mind, we intend to create a safe community within the boundaries of our school, ensuring that everyone is granted the same opportunities, allowing them to develop and grow.  

We will encourage and support students, across all year groups, to take full advantage of all the opportunities on offer, so that we can take our school to even greater heights of success.  

Head Students: Jada and James  

Taking on the role of Deputy Head Students is something that we will carry out with the upmost respect, as we work alongside the Head Students.  

Our aim is to support fellow Sixth Form students, younger pupils and staff, to make continuous improvements to our school.  We are looking forward to motivating and supporting others to be the best versions of themselves.  With each of us bringing our individual ideas to the role, we hope that, as a group, these ideas will flourish and grow to create our legacy.  

At Barr Beacon School, we pride ourselves on being ‘proud to succeed’ and as Deputy Head Students, we will take on all new challenges head-on and listen to every voice. We are honoured to not only support others on their journey, but also to finish our final leg at Barr Beacon, by being able to give back to the school that has given us so much.   

Deputy Head Students: Isobel and Katie  

Meet the team

Jada C – Head Student  

In 2017 I joined Barr Beacon School with little idea of just how much I would flourish and excel under the vast array of opportunities that the school would provide.  Resilience, conviction and independence are attributes I have gained as a result of my experiences, shaping me into the person that I am today.  I feel indebted to not only give something back but also to leave a legacy that will withstand changes to come in the future and in turn, better the school community that I have grown to cherish.  

As Head Student, I will promote diversity and establish a community that will work concordantly to consistently be a voice for the students at Barr Beacon. I want to ensure a continuity of the opportunities I have received throughout my years at school, as well as to encourage change, improving the experiences of others. Lastly, I hope to ensure that everyone is treated with the upmost respect and dignity in their learning and development.  

I have grown a lot over the past 6 years under the roles of Prefect, Peer Mentor and School Council Representative and with this growth I have encountered many challenges. I truly recognise the nature of the role and cannot envisage a more rewarding and worthwhile challenge to embark upon, during my final year at Barr Beacon School.  

James D – Head Student  

Since joining the school in 2017, Barr Beacon has provided me with an amazing range of opportunities to develop my personal qualities and enhance my skills and interests.    

Highlights of my time at the school include being selected, in Year 12, to participate in a trip of a lifetime to Japan (as part of the Turing Scheme).  Prior to this, I embraced the opportunity of the Erasmus Project, hosting a student from an Italian school for a week.  

I have represented the school both academically and through sport in a number of ways and have found them all fulfilling.  Academically, this has included competing in the UK Maths Challenge on several occasions and the ‘Race to the Target’ event with the University of Birmingham.  In sport, the school supported my proposal to enter a team into the England Schools Golf Championship. I was also successful in securing the prestigious role of Prefect during my time in Year 11.   

From all the opportunities the school has presented me with, my confidence has grown to a level which I would not have imagined when I first stepped through the school gates in Year 7.  Post Barr Beacon, the positive characteristics I have developed will fuel and help me to further success.

Isobel C – Deputy Head Student  

From the first day I started at Barr Beacon, the school has been supportive, nurturing and given me opportunities to excel. I am proud to have been an ambassador for the Mayor of Walsall to reduce the stigma around mental health.  More recently, I had the pleasure to facilitate and lead a presentation at Imperial College London, presenting to a large group of people, including college professors and doctors.  

These two examples, together with many other activities I have been a part of, have taught me the importance of leadership, working as a team, listening to and learning from others and always being passionate, aiming to be the best in everything I do.  

 I am honoured to be a part of this year’s Senior Team and I promise that every day I will endeavour to help make a positive difference to each of you.  I will lead by example and always be driving the school’s motto of being ‘proud to succeed’.  

Katie O – Deputy Head Student  

Looking back to when I first joined Year 7, I had no idea how much Barr Beacon School would assist me in cultivating my skills, by providing me with an abundance of opportunities and experiences that have helped me into becoming the resilient, determined and hard-working individual I am today. Whilst working hard I centred my efforts around the quote “Work hard in silence, let success be your noise”, because nothing is more powerful than being able to say how hard you worked to achieve your dreams.   

Barr Beacon School has not only guided me but has also pushed me outside of my comfort zone, allowing me to understand that sometimes you need to step outside of the box to reach your full potential. Challenging myself is now something I aspire to do on a regular basis, and it is something I encourage others to try.   

I have taken on many different responsibilities throughout my time at Barr Beacon School, from being a librarian, to becoming a Beacon Values Ambassador and a Prefect, as well as being given the position of Flight Sergeant within the Combined Cadet Force. I have a massive passion for helping others and giving back to those in the welcoming community at Barr Beacon School.   

As Deputy Head Student, I cannot wait to continue and add to the legacy set forth by the previous senior teams, and to work alongside the incredible staff and amazing pupils who help make Barr Beacon a remarkable place to learn.   

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2025 © All Rights Reserved
