Year 11 pupils were given mock interviews today by our Year 13 Students. The Sixth Formers received training for this last week and were able to share their recent experiences of real interviews and offer some unique advice.
The Year 11 pupils said:
“I actually enjoyed that. I was nervous at first but the Sixth Former was really nice”.
“I have my actual interview at college soon, so I am glad I did it”.
“I’m so proud of myself, I did really well.”
“I got 49/50 and I want to do it again to get full marks. I know I can do it!”
The Sixth Form students said:
“I was amazed by the pupils I met. They had achieved so much and were really confident.”
“I have really enjoyed supporting Year 11 with their Interviews. I met some lovely people.”
“The pupils were fantastic. Some needed to remember to include examples of where they had developed their skills, but overall I was very impressed.”
“I felt like I had a lot in common with some of the pupils I met and I hope they found it useful to hear I went through the same struggles as them and still managed to get good GCSEs”.