
Great Big Dance Off

The Dance department entered five students in a competition to represent Barr Beacon School at The Great Big Dance Off. The students competed against a variety of schools across the West Midlands and achieved amazing results.

In the KS3 competition, E. Smith 8M1 and O. Clarke 9C3 both achieved joint 6th position against 44 other entries.

In the KS4 competition, M. Wood 11C1 reached 28th position out of 70 entries and D. McGuirk was placed 9th.

A. Mahon 9W3 (pictured) achieved 3rd place in the KS4 competition, beating 67 schools across the West Midlands. She will now go forwards to represent Barr Beacon School against the winners of each region in the UK finals in London during the summer.

The Dance department is incredibly proud of all five students.


Christmas Charity Event

We have been overwhelmed by the support shown by our pupils, staff and families in contributing to Santa’s Black Country Toy Appeal – the charity that the school has chosen to support this Christmas.The whole school community have been collecting a range of items (stationery, toiletries, clothes, footwear, toys, books and sweet treats) to donate to local children and young people in time for Christmas.  This has been a great team effort led by our Year 13 Charity and Events Managers. Thank you to everyone for their contributions towards this great cause. 

Special thanks to the brother of Darby M (Year 12)  who made a generous donation of 8 pairs of football boots and 16 leather mini-footballs.  The donation has been gratefully received by the school and passed onto the Black Country Toy Appeal.

Thank you and well done to our Year 13 Ambassadors (Sophia A, Olivia M, Francesca G, Isabel F, Aisha H, Sapriya B, Harvey L, Anil M, Jhanae H and Divya P) for packing all donations into boxes, ready for collection.


Children in Need Fundraiser

Our House Captains, Anna, Ashley, Hollie and Sanghveer, led on the fundraising for Children in Need.

They organised two competitions:  ‘Guess the Teddy’s Name’ and ‘Guess How Many Sweets in the Jar’, as well as selling bags of sweets to pupils and staff. 

Mr Lawrence, Mr Murphy, Mr Brennan and Mr Cooke battled it out on the dance floor showing off their best moves including a handstand, the worm and pirouetting!  Forfeits they faced were having their legs waxed and getting pie-faced!

We raised an impressive total of £524.97.

Competition winners:  Florence 7C1 (teddy bear) and Hassan 7M2 (jar of sweets).


Lord Mayor’s Quiz

Lord Mayor’s Quiz - Thursday 25th November 2021

The Lord Mayor’s Sixth Form Mega Quiz returned on Thursday 25th November. This year, we were delighted the event could go ahead in person at the magnificent Great Hall of the University of Birmingham.  A group of 6 of our brightest quizzers in Year 12 faced fierce competition from other local Sixth Formers, but represented the school admirably, finishing 15th.    This annual event raises money for the Lord Mayor’s Charity Appeal and Barr Beacon School was proud to have taken apart once again.

Quiz Team: Makara M, Shivani P, Poppy H, Daniel H, Dilraaj K and Mazin E.


Aldridge Service of Remembrance

On Sunday 14th November 2021, our Head Girl Abbie and Head Boy Jack proudly represented the school at Aldridge Remembrance Service.  They joined in the parade (led by the Band of Squadron 425 Air Training Corps and the Royal British Legion) before laying a wreath, on behalf of Barr Beacon School, at the War Memorial. 


Non-Fiction November

Get involved in our 30-day non-fiction reading challenge! 
Every day in November, we want Barr Beacon students to read a non-fiction text. The challenge calendar is below, and the rules are as follows:

  • Complete every non-fiction challenge for a guaranteed prize!
  • Complete 5+ non-fiction challenges to be entered into a prize draw
  • All participants receive praise points and house points
  • The form group with the most participants will receive a stack of magazines to enjoy together
  • You can complete the challenges solo, with a friend, in form time – it’s up to you! Everyone needs to do the reading and complete the journal to qualify
  • Hand your completed journal in to your form tutor or email a digital copy to readingchallenge@barrbeaconschool.co.uk to receive house points and your prize
  • Deadline: December 13th 2021


Careers Fair 2021

In October, we were delighted to bring back our popular Careers Fair. Having resorted to a virtual platform during the pandemic, we were pleased to get things back to normal, with our annual event welcoming a large array of providers. All of our pupils met and spoke to a range of education and training providers, both local and national, with employers such as Collins Aerospace, HMRC, West Midlands Police, the RAF and the Army; many local colleges; numerous training providers offering apprenticeships and traineeships; and a large collection of universities from all over the country. Pupils were able to see the many options available to them after Year 11 or 13. 

During the day, pupils also joined virtual breakout sessions in classrooms, with topics covering how to choose university courses, advice on choosing GCSE options and University vs Apprenticeships. 

It was wonderful to allow our pupils to once again have the opportunity to meet these provers face to face and ask all the crucial questions they have about their futures.


Sixth Form Open Evening

Sixth Form Open Evening - Thursday 25th November 2021, 5-7pm.

Our Sixth Form Open Evening is always busy. Therefore, to keep the flow of people moving and minimise large gatherings we are splitting the evening into two.

There will be an entry time at 5:00pm and then a second one at 6:00pm. There will be a talk from the Sixth Form Team at the start of each of these sessions.

Tickets MUST be booked in advance or you will not be permitted entry. A ticket must be booked for every person attending, including any students. As tickets are limited, please support us by booking only the number of tickets you need and keeping your party as small as possible.

Even with these measures in place, we strongly encourage all visitors to wear face coverings during Open Evening.


Great Minds Tour Bus

The Staffordshire University Great Minds Tour Bus has visited our Year 7 pupils at Barr Beacon today. Pupils have watched a film in the on-board cinema, showcasing all the exciting courses you can study at university. On the top deck, pupils had a taste of the E-Sports course offered at Staffordshire. 


Prom 2021

Although Covid restrictions did not allow us to have our Year 11 prom off site we were able to quickly rearrange everything to have it at school instead. The event was very enjoyable with a range of food, entertainment, awards and dancing until late into the night. The evening ended with a bang with a firework display lighting up the school site.

A big thank you to all those who helped make the evening a success for our Year 11 cohort.

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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