
Students Dig Up School History

We are excited to announce that we have discovered a time capsule, which was buried on the school site in 1996.  

The contents of the capsule reveal what the curriculum was like in 1996. Items inside the treasure trove include photographs, textbooks and a floppy disk, which today’s students could barely recognise.

Our Senior Team was chosen to open the capsule. You can watch this, live as it happened, on this video:

We knew there was a time capsule buried on our site, but it was not until we received a photograph from a former teacher that we had any idea where it was located.  This could not come at a better time, with our anniversary celebrations right around the corner: Our school is sixty years old this year and we are having a special evening to commemorate this on Friday 12th July. 

We are looking forward to having former pupils and teachers back on site.  Our initial allocation of five hundred tickets sold out rapidly but we have released some more because we know demand is still high.

Stay tuned to our website: Barr Beacon’s Senior Team will shortly be launching a competition to decide what to put in a new time capsule to represent 2019.

And if you recognise any of the students in the original photo (from 1996) – or maybe you are one of them yourself! – please get in touch so you can help us learn more about the time capsule.


Cadets Go Rifle Shooting

On Saturday the 18th May, a selection of Year 9 and 10 Cadets came back to school to learn how to use a rifle. Places for this tremendous opportunity were soon filled as people were keen to get stuck into what they would never be able to achieve if it wasn’t for the RAF CCF, or at least not for free.

This started at 9am in the training room where we were briefed on safety, the power of the rifle, when to carry out an NSP (Normal Safety Precaution) and how to operate this weapon by Flight Lieutenant Vahter, a highly qualified instructor for this opportunity. 

After this, groups took it in turns with the weapons, remembering the sequences and parts of the weapon you should operate at certain points of the task. Some found this less easy than others, mainly because some of us were left-handed and we were using right-handed guns, but we all agreed that the challenge made us even more determined to pass the weapons handling test we had to carry out before being able to shoot with a target. Once passed, you have this Cadet qualification for 6 months. 

Those who were struggling came together to help each other which was lovely to see the cadet solidarity and togetherness of the contingent. Many cadets passed the Weapons Handling Test first time, and we helped the few that needed a slight recap before doing it again. Soon enough we were out on the school field putting everything we had learned into practice, only this time using targets. 

This was also another opportunity to see where Cadets’ individual talents lay, as those who struggled with the weapon previously were hitting the targets rather successfully for first time attempts. We all loved this experience and those who were deemed talented enough will be picked for our next Air Squadron Trophy team. We cannot wait until our whole contingent has the opportunity to shoot as this was an extremely rewarding experience!

By Corporal Payne (Year 10)


Year 13 Graduation Celebration

Year 13 marked the start of their Study Leave with a Celebration Assembly.

Students wore their Leavers’ Hoodies as they enjoyed a look back over their time in Sixth Form. Funny stories were shared and Form Tutors shared kind words about their tutees. We even had a live link to Finland!

We wish all of our Year 13 students the very best of luck for their forthcoming exams and we look forward to celebrating their success with them in August.


Helsinki, Finland

First days in Finland: After a long day’s travelling, we arrived in Finland to be greeted by our host teacher Anni. Staying in Helsinki for the two nights enabled us to get to know this beautiful city and its rich history.

Tomorrow, we move towards the home town of our hosts – Nivala.  Students will then move in with their host families for the next four nights, working closely with other students on one of the key project skills: ‘Communication’.

Our students asked questions at every opportunity, leading from the front in keenness and interest! Our first stop was the Parliamentary building, with the ministers meeting at a different location, hoping to form a new government after recent general elections.

Following our visit we then made our way to Helsinki University’s Faculty of Agriculture, where we learnt about how they prepare their students to cope with the demands of life in a farming-dominated industry.

Day 2. After a 5 1/2 hour journey through central Finland, our pupils finally arrived in the small town of Nivala. The pupils and staff were greeted by host families who were very pleased to see our students.

Day 4 – Today, our students went to the local agricultural college to discover how they are training their next generation of workers. They found out about how they develop biogas, look after cattle and what machinery is required on a modern farm.

Later, we drove (in a coach, not a tractor) to the forest where we investigated how trees are cut down and replanted so the forest is sustainable. Two students from Beacon and two from Finland rode in the specialist machinery designed to cut down and strip trees.

On Friday, the students from all countries participated in the Erasmus Olympics. Students took part in very traditional Finnish games like Finnish baseball, floorball, tug of war and the welly throw!

In the afternoon, students learnt more about traditional Finnish life in 1800s, being taken back in time to the way they use to live. The last stop on the tour was the beautiful local Nivala church which has stood for over 150 years.

I’m unsure of where to start when it comes to talking about Finland. I genuinely had one of the most fun experiences of my life thus far. Not only was I able to meet new people who were absolutely lovely, I also re-connected with some of the friends that I made in Denmark last year. These people made leaving Finland incredibly hard, but I’m excited to see them again as soon as possible; we’re already planning on meeting up with some of the Danes this summer! In addition to this, I had some really fun experiences that I doubt I would have had otherwise, such as visiting the Finnish parliament building and playing Finnish baseball. Overall, Erasmus has been a fantastic way for me to view the culture and lives of other countries, and explore what is important to them. I can’t wait for them to arrive in England and I am grateful to have had the experience. Thank you Erasmus!


Back to the '70s

Former Barr Beacon teacher Andrew Neenan has sent us these photographs from the late 1970s. The shots feature the school production of ‘Oh What a Lovely War!”, technology lessons, and several form tutor groups. If you were here in the ‘70s, do you recognise anyone?

Andrew Neenan shared his experiences of being a maths teacher at Barr Beacon for 27 years:

“I taught maths at the Beacon from 1973 to 2000 and worked alongside Mr Mills for most of that time, and also Ms Clayton. My particular interest and responsibility were applied maths (mechanics) at A level but I taught the whole age and ability range. I did a six-month maternity leave cover just after I left which took me to 2001 and followed with some supply sessions until 2004.

“From 2001 my main employment was at another school on a 0.7 timetable which I supplemented with some private tuition and exam marking. I retired in 2010 and continued exam marking A level mechanics for a few more years. Since then have been a man of leisure.

“I still meet up with a variety of ex-Barr Beacon staff for a meal. There was a remarkable sense of comradeship amongst the staff which continues when we meet up.”


RAF Air Squadron Trophy

On Saturday 16th March, Barr Beacon cadets attended their first RAF Air Squadron Trophy (RAST) competition at Queen Mary’s Grammar School. The competition included: knowledge on the RAF, Air craft recognition, Drill and uniform inspection, first aid, a command task and rifle shooting.

The team (who were hand-picked by CPL Guest) were praised for their efforts and improvements by SQN LDR Taylor personally. A shooting certificate was presented to SGT Mellor (who was also promoted by SQN LDR Taylor that day) for the highest shooting score of the competition 95-100.

The Team consisted of: CPL Guest, CPL Lawlor, SGT Mellor, LCPL Preece, Cadet Dunn, LCPL Stone, Cadet Broadmore, Cadet Ellison, Cadet Smith and LCP Janse Van Rensburg.

Staff present (FLT LT Knight, PLT OFF Baker and SGT Bew) were extremely proud of the team’s efforts and are hoping to take part in the national competition in November.


Shooting Practice

Shooting Practice by L-CPL Preece
On Sunday 10th of February, Lance corporal Preece, Lance corporal stone, Lance corporal V. Rensburg, Corporal Mellor and Corporal Lawlor travelled up to Buxton to learn how to shoot ready for our air squadron trophy. On the first session we sat in a class room and learnt about:

  • How to do a NSP (Normal Safety Precaution)
  • How to Dismantle a rifle ready for daily cleaning
  • How to put a rifle back together
  • How to complete a stoppage
  • How to clean a rifle
  • How to shoot in the prone position
  • The marksmanship principles
  • Basic handling drills
  • What different components of a rifle are
  • When to carry out a NSP

At the end of the day all five of the cadets had to go into a room on their own and complete a test, we all passed.

Then on Sunday the 24th of February the same five cadets travelled up to Buxton to shoot a L144 small-bore training and target rifle on the shooting range but first we sat in the classroom and learnt about grouping and zeroing. Then we all went on to the shooting range two at a time and shot five rounds each at four targets, then we all shot nine rounds each at a single targets and then we all shot three rounds each at another single target and after Lance Corporal Preece finished shooting his three rounds at the single target he was told that he successfully passed.

At the end of the day Lance corporal preece, Lance corporal Van Rensburg, Corporal Mellor and Corporal Lawlor were chosen to shoot at the AST competition on the 16th March at Queen Mary’s. And to make the day even better H.Preece was awarded the Trained Shot Badge for the L144A1. To achieve this he achieved: A grouping size of 38mm in the first practice and a grouping of 25mm in the second. The badge awarded is bronze rifle to signify it is L144A1.

Shooting Practice by Corporal Mellor

Some of our cadets who are attending the Air Squadron Trophy where chosen to attend fire arms training. This took place over 2 full day sessions. The first day on February 3rd 2019 consisted of basic safety around fire arms also how to hold and position yourself properly while using them. We also learned how to clean the rifle before and after use. This is to ensure that the rifle is always safe before shooting. The cadets surprisingly found this very interesting and all enjoyed learning about how rifles actually work to gain a better understanding of what they will be handling. Towards the last part of the day a test was held to make sure everything we had learned had sunk in. As a result of the cadets hard work through the day it was no surprise that everyone passed the firearms safety test allowing the cadets to move to stage 2 where they will be firing live rounds on a range.

Two weeks later on February 24th 2019 the cadets returned looking confident to get onto the range. During the first hour we learned about groupings and zeroing. In simpler terms we learned how to aim at the target and hit it consistently. After that we moved onto the range where throughout the day we all were able to fire 32 rounds each. In pairs, we went into the range and were able to have a go at shooting the rifles. While in the range the cadets followed orders from the range commander and were complimented on how well they followed the commands given. We also had Sgt Bew beside us on the first time shooting to run us through the steps. He also helped all the cadets to tighten there groupings and even got the chance to adjust the scopes on the weapon to personal preferences. These were all noted down by each cadet in preparation for the air squadron trophy. Overall the cadets really enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to the next time on the range. 


New Hampshire Ski Trip

February half-term saw Barr Beacon School travel to New Hampshire, USA, for their first-ever ski trip to the States. It was an early start on Friday to ensure that we got to Heathrow in plenty of time to board our flight. Following all of the travel, we finally arrived at our hotel late on Friday evening. There was a huge mix of emotions between the pupils. Some were tired from travelling across the Atlantic but most were very excited at seeing snow deeper than themselves. 

Saturday morning was an early get up in order to get breakfast and get to the mountain ready for our ski fit. Once all of the pupils had been issued with their skis and boots, they were eager to hit the slopes. What followed was five glorious days of skiing where all pupils made massive progress. This enabled all pupils by the end of the week to get a lift to the top of the mountain and make their way safely down a variety of slopes with their instructors. The maturity and politeness of our pupils was commented on by all of the ski instructors.  

Throughout the week we also completed a number of evening activities. These included visiting a local cinema, snow tubing, and drinking hot chocolate and marshmallows. We also incorporated time in the evening for the pupils to use the amenities of the hotel such as the swimming pool and games room.

The end of the week saw us depart New Hampshire and make our way to New York City. On the way to NYC, we had programmed a stop off at a local outlet village to allow the pupils to go shopping for themselves and their families. Upon arriving in NYC we swiftly dropped our bags into the hotel and started to make our way to The Hard Rock Café. On the way to Hard Rock, we stopped off at the iconic Times Square for the pupils to take photos in this iconic location. Following a lovely meal in the Hard Rock, we made our way to the Rockefeller Centre in order to scale the 68 floors and see the NYC skyline by night.

On our final day in the States, we started by making our way to Central Park to complete some ice-skating. Following on from this we then got picked up and travelled to Lower Manhattan to the iconic 9/11 memorial site. This was a very humbling experience for all and the pupils conducted themselves in an appropriate manner. From the memorial site, we made our way back to JFK airport in order to get our return flight home.


Orlando Nasa Trip 2019

Day 7: This morning we went out on an airboat at Boggy Creek alligator spotting – we spotted 6! The largest was 9 foot long! We also saw 2 baby alligators. We then had a pit stop at Walmart to stock up on candy before we embarked on 3 hours of shopping at Orlando Premium Outlet and boy did we shop! A great end to an amazing week. We are now homeward bound. 

Day 6: This morning we returned to Kennedy Space Center. We spent time viewing the exhibit of space shuttle Atlantis. We learnt about NASA’s 30-year space shuttle program. We took part in the Shuttle Launch Experience – a simulation of the space shuttle’s eight-and-a-half-minute ascent into orbit! We listened to a pre-launch briefing by veteran space shuttle commander Charles Bolden before boarding the shuttle for an experience that veteran NASA astronauts call the next best thing to flying aboard the space shuttle. It was out of this world! We then returned to the classroom where the robotics competition continued. We used ‘Lab View’ to navigate a realistic mock-up of the Martian surface, navigating around targets and gaining points.  This exercise required a lot of skill and patience. At the end of the competition, all pupils were presented with a certificate before the winning team was announced. After lunch we spent some time on the beach and jumping the waves in the Atlantic Ocean. We spent our last night in Florida sat around a fire pit at the hotel, talking about the amazing experiences we have encountered this week. We then made s’mores from marshmallows, chocolate and crackers. We are looking forward to our final day before we start our journey home.

Day 5:  Our second day at Kennedy Space Center started off with a robotics competition – Space Trek Robotics. We learnt how to program a robot using ‘Arduno’. Our mission was to navigate the robot around quite a complex route involving a few sharp turns.  The competition was fierce but fun!We then attended a private event ‘Lunch With An Astronaut’ where we enjoyed some delicious food whilst Scott Parazynski gave a short presentation before taking questions from the audience. We learnt a lot about life in space.  After lunch we went on a NASA bus tour of Launch Complex 39. WOW! We saw the tallest single storey building in the world, aligators, rocket launch stations and we sat in  the control room where Saturn V was launched from.  We learnt about all the failed attempts that were made to reach space and then  enjoyed hearing about the successful attempts. A very interesting and informative tour.On our way to dinner at a local restaurant, we stopped off for a spot of shopping at Ron John’s Surf Shop. After dinner we took a stroll down to the beach where we saw a ‘super moon’. This is when the full moon appears larger in the sky because it’s orbit is closest to the earth. We saw its reflection in the Atlantic Ocean. It was stunning. We then had fun jumping waves in the ocean.

Day 4: Today we had our first session at Kennedy Space Center.  We had a lesson on the history of rocketry before getting into teams and building our own rockets ready for a launch competition. We were also privileged to listen to a speech delivered by astronaut Scott Parazynski. He told the audience about how his dream to become an astronaut started at the age of 5 years. We also heard about all his space missions. After his speech, Scott Parazynski posed for a photograph with us.

Day 3:  We have had a long but very enjoyable day. We started off with a ‘Behind the Adventures’ programme, at Islands of adventure, where we found out about what goes on behind the scenes, where the ideas for the rides come from, how the special effects are added and the costs that are involved.We were then given VIP treatment and we were allowed to take a ride on four of the big attractions without having to queue! These were: The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk Coaster, Reign of Kong and Jurassic Park River Adventure.We then had the rest of the day to explore Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios. After dinner we returned to the park and watched the very colourful and entertaining Mardi Gras parade.

Day 2:  After a long day of travelling yesterday, we arrived at the hotel and enjoyed our ‘pizza party’.Today, we up early ready for an iFly experience this morning followed by an afternoon at Universal Studios.


Sicilian Exchange

On Sunday 8th December, we arrived at school all packed and ready to go. Despite being 3:30am on a Sunday morning we were extremely excited for the journey ahead of us. 9 hours later we had arrived in Catania and met all of our host families who were waiting right outside of the airport with a huge banner saying ‘Welcome to Sicily’. This is where the amazing six days spent in Italy began.

During our time on the island we got up to a multitude of different experiences, trips, and activities. From cooking, to site-seeing, to climbing up one of the most active volcanoes in the world (Mount Etna). We managed to cram every single thing that Catania had to offer into only a few days.

For me the best part of the whole experience was meeting all of the fantastic Sicilian people in the school who welcomed us with open arms. This was especially useful to me as I study Italian at school and this trip enabled me to practise what I have already learned but also teach the students over there how to speak English in return.

Here is a short quote from one of the group who travelled to the Island of Sicily:

‘I've made so many amazing friends and me and a few other Beacon students have even planned to return to Sicily in the summer holiday’

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2025 © All Rights Reserved
