
Careers Guidance Pupil Hub

We are excited to launch our brand new Careers Guidance Pupil Hub.

Pupils need to be prepared for the evolving working world and so, at the heart of our Careers Programme, is a focus on building up essential lifelong employability skills.

Visit our new website to access a wealth of careers guidance, designed to support both pupils and parents.

With our brand new resources, you can…

  • Choose a subject you love and see where it might lead
  • Explore your options for when you leave school
  • Gain valuable advice on applying to university, apprenticeships and jobs
  • Practice your interview skills
  • Discover alternative options like gap years or starting your own business


UK University & Apprenticeship Search Virtual Fair returns!

Wednesday 21st October: 12.00pm-6.00pm 

Designed for Year 11, 12 and 13 students and their parents, this is an unmissable opportunity to meet over 100 universities and apprenticeship providers. You can also gain vital advice from 10 webinars (see here) throughout the day, on topics such as taking an apprenticeship and UCAS applications.

You can sign up and find out more here: 


Time to try a new hobby?

By Emily Allen, Deputy Head Girl

I will admit that I have never been the person to stick to the same things. Growing up I tried a range of sports and clubs, but I have never stuck to them. However, that is not always a bad thing; your time at school is the perfect time to start trying new things as whether it’s your first year at Barr Beacon or even your last, there is still time to get out of your comfort zone and experience new things. The list of hobbies is endless; use this time at school or even during the holidays to expand your list of tried things. From testing a lot of sports, I have finally concluded that I love to play tennis, whether it is playing it or just coaching. Without the experience of the different hobbies, I wouldn’t have found something that I love. Use spare time to find your passion. My example of sports is just the beginning of the list. There is no age limit to going out and experiencing new things, it has taken me this long to find out what I enjoy, and I am in Year 13. Even when you have left school and go to university, an apprenticeship or get a job, there is still time for you to go out and try new things. However, this time at school is a great time to start trying out new things. 

The benefits of having a hobby are endless. Here are just a few that comes to mind:

  • It helps you to relieve any stress by keeping you engaged in something you enjoy. 
  • Hobbies can increase your social life and create a bond with others. 
  • They bring a sense of fun and freedom to life that can help minimise the impact of chronic stress. 
  • Helps you keep motivated.

From experience, I know how hard it is to maintain motivation at home. Having to look after my two dogs sometimes makes it hard to stay concentrated on my schoolwork. But from having to deal with this throughout lockdown I came up with a solution that helped both myself and the two pups: having a small break from my work to take them to the park and get some exercise walking them finally allowed me to concentrate as they fell straight to sleep when we got back. Not only did it benefit the dogs, I also benefitted from going outside and taking a break from my work. Therefore, I have made a habit to stop being lazy and go for little walks whenever I can. Getting out into the fresh air revived my energy and gave me motivation to go back and finish my work. Hobbies do not just include exercising; the list is endless. Whether you are into collecting Lego, engaging in astronomy, baking, or even just reading a book. A hobby can be anything. 

At this point of school, we are just getting back into everything and getting our heads around new routines. Even with the Covid measures in place, our school has found a way of continuing with after-school clubs, such as badminton and there are still hundreds of hobbies you can take part in that does not involve contacting others. A great example of this is learning a new skill. I am hardly at a professional level, but I learnt the alphabet in sign language. This was a little while ago. And at that time it felt so good to have learnt something new and it made me want to continue learning and trying out new things. Perhaps I should pick it up again?

I am sure most of you are spending quite a lot of time online, whether it is on YouTube, TikTok or other forms of social media. However, you could use this time for trying new things. Even using a fraction of that time that you would have spent on your phones and doing something else instead would be extremely beneficial for your mental and physical health. Even if you do not fancy going out to explore the hobbies that are available to you outside of home or school, you can even make a hobby out of your phone or laptop. Start a blog maybe? Use your time to make a positive change online. 

Do not think that it is too late to start something new: you’ve got your whole life ahead of you, so try new hobbies, meet new people and have fun. 


Aldridge Remembrance Service

Our Head Girl Hena and Head Boy Ibrahim laid a wreath, on behalf of Barr Beacon School, at Aldridge War Memorial. We are very proud of them both.

Due to social distancing restrictions, the event was filmed on Sunday 11th October 2020 and will be streamed live on Remembrance Day.


Black History Month

School Council representatives made this assembly for the beginning of Black History Month:

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 08.58.06

Dance Competiton

All year groups welcome!

Any dance style!

To enter, you must record a solo performance of 3 minutes and send this via your school email to Miss Salmon by Monday 5th October at 3pm.

The top 5 entries will win house points for their house and get the chance to represent the school at The Great British Dance Off this year!

Message Miss Salmon if you have any questions.


Keep up with your learning

Remote Learning will take place via Microsoft Teams using your school email account. Any other email account will not work. Everything is explained in these videos. Please watch them carefully.

If you have problems logging in, someone in your household will need to email

If you are not in the correct classes on Teams you need to communicate with your teachers in advance of any lessons using the Chat function (this is explained in the videos).

Accessing files
There is a link to Microsoft Office through our website (shown in the videos).

If you are having trouble accessing PDF files, download and install a reader here:

Live Streams of Lessons


Back to school: Be brave, be you!

Ibrahim Sohail – Head Boy

September. The days are getting shorter. The nights are getting colder, and after what feels like years, we’re back at school.

The final weeks of August mark the dreaded back to school shop which I’m certain everyone loves(!).

Although, if I’m perfectly honest, I do LOVE it.

It’s allowed me to justify my need to go shopping, from buying ANOTHER new maths set (which I always lose) to a fresh set of school shoes. I’ve always enjoyed the shop before the start of term, having everything perfectly organised, then waking on the highly awaited first day, body pumping with adrenaline, ready to see my friends and get learning.

The new school year marks the next step in your education, whether that be our new peers just beginning their secondary school journey, the Year 11s ready for GCSEs or us Year 13s in our final year of A-levels and our final year at Barr Beacon *cries uncontrollably*.

Wait what! Final year? That’s actually crazy!

But my point is, no matter what stage of education we are now in, we are all such amazing people with such amazing talents and let’s make the most of our talents and wisdom this school year. So go learn the ukulele, go play football for a team. Grasp the opportunities given to you this year, be brave, be YOU!

I think it’s so important to never forget how privileged we are to have access to such high-level education facilities, when over 40% of the world do not. It’s vital to always remain grateful for what we have and continue to be the amazing people we are.

Now, I’m sure by now, we are all quite used to our new (COVID-necessary) school routines. Returning to/joining school has not been ‘normal’ this September, but we’ve all shown true Barr Beacon resilience and togetherness by adapting to the new COVID measures put into place, we’ve got to continue what we’re doing to keep ourselves and everyone safe.

Our lovely staff at Barr Beacon have worked tirelessly to make our return safe whilst still providing the highest quality of education, as always. A big shout out and thank you to the caretakers, bistro staff, teachers and ALL staff at Barr Beacon School. We appreciate you!


Sixth Former wins top film-making prize

After coming first in a film-making competition, Year 13 student Josh Palfrey has been offered a placement at multi BAFTA award-winning film animation studio, Blue Zoo.

Josh himself explains:

“This offer came very much out of the ‘blue’ and was due to the fact that they had seen my winning film in a competition called the “summer of animation” ( an event where young people are challenged to make a short film over the summer. Blue Zoo was a sponsor of the event.) I won the competition with my film and, when contacted about my prize of a £2000 laptop, I also asked whether it would be possible to get a tour of Blue Zoo (as that was the prize for 2nd place). After a couple of weeks of sending that request, I received the following email:

Hi Josh, 

 Wanted to say congratulations on your winning film – we loved it here at Blue Zoo and think you thoroughly deserved the win! 

I heard that you’d like a tour of Blue Zoo, but we’d be very happy to go further than that an offer you a paid work placement and bypass the internship programme. We’d need to work out times of when it would suit us both best due to current work restrictions.

Also, we’re recording a podcast soon about the Summer Of Animation and we would love it if we could record a short voice call with you, asking you a few questions about the wonderful film you made?

“Obviously I am extremely excited and eager to respond.”

Watch Josh’s brilliant animation here:

Find out more about Blue Zoo


Be prepared for all weathers!

To avoid mixing year group bubbles during transitions, it will sometimes be necessary to house groups of pupils in outdoor areas for a few minutes at a time. Therefore, please make sure your child comes dressed for all weathers, including a coat for occasions when it rains. It would also be helpful for them to bring a spare face covering in case these get wet but we do have spare disposable face coverings we can provide.

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2024 © All Rights Reserved
