
Examples of Boots suitable for Cadet activities

The following images indicate the type of boot suitable for cadet activities. This is an indication only: as long as the boots are above ankle length, laced, preferably made of all leather (but a leather/fabric mix is acceptable) and either brown or black then they are suitable. 

Any queries please contact Sgt Bew at


ACE (Award for Creative Excellence)

Pupils at Barr Beacon in Year 7 and 8 are currently working towards their ACE award in their Technology and Performing Arts lessons. 

The Award for Creative Excellence encourages pupils to become creative leaders, helping to develop their communication and collaboration skills. The ACE award is designed to help pupils express various art forms, giving them a platform to share their understanding and knowledge of the Arts. 

ACE is an example of Cultural Capital at Barr Beacon, offering an opportunity to have a valuable experience of the Arts. The award explores the interconnectivity of various disciplines in the Arts, as well as learning about inspiring practitioners. Throughout the ACE curriculum all skills that are taught relate back to the Beacon Values. Lessons show the importance of these values and how they relate to creative tasks and challenges. 

We are now offering Year 7 pupils an amazing opportunity to purchase an ACE pack. Each pack is full of exciting resources including a variety of Art resources, alongside Textile, Media and Food challenges / hints and tips. Please see letter on the school website for more information and full pack content. The deadline for payment is Friday 15th October. This needs to be done through wisepay.   

The following ACE clubs that are running this half term are: 


Social Media: the best and worst thing to come out of the 21st century?

by Jack Tranter, Head Boy

Social media has become a massive part of our lives. Whether it's reading a news article on Instagram, or watching a new craze on TikTok, social media is used for hours upon hours every single day. Like technology in general, social media has both an upside and a downside. And when it comes to the social media effects on teens, those pros and cons are particularly significant.

On the positive side, platforms like Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram can be lifesavers for teens that want to stay connected with their friends or to have some time to themselves and relax by watching some YouTube. Social media was especially helpful in the pandemic as it entertained the population all the way through lockdowns. We all know social media can be a great thing, but as the world is moving on, the world of social media is becoming a concerning place.

In recent years I feel social networks have stopped being happy places. It is no secret that some parts of some social media have turned into toxic battlegrounds, seemingly built for people to argue in. A cloud of negativity has been cast by people abusing these networks which has had a devastating effect on many, especially today's teens. Many experts believe that the constant overstimulation of social networking shifts the nervous system into fight-or-flight mode. As a result, this makes disorders such as ADHD, teen depression and teen anxiety worse. Social media also provides a space in which teenagers can encourage each other to engage in unhealthy and dangerous behaviours. Hence, teenagers with eating disorders or those who self-harm can connect with others to talk about their self-destructive routines. In these ‘safe’ online spaces, obsessive calorie counting, fasting, constant competition in beauty and other unhealthy acts are accepted and encouraged.

As I said before, social media is a great tool that we are lucky enough to have in our pocket, but using it the right way is crucial. When using social media, you should always come away from it feeling yourself and feeling happy. If you are finding this isn’t happening, then you way need to limit the time you spend on it or have a break from it completely.

I want to suggest some great links below that can help a lot of people understand a little bit more about social media in today's world. - this will take you to the website of the 2020 film The Social Dilemma. The film and their website dives head first into the dark truth of social media. I highly recommend the film. - If you feel as if you need support with your mental health or you need some information about social media, please use this link. Childline's tips and techniques, ideas and inspiration, can help you feel more in control. And you can access them in your own time, at your own pace.

Remember: when on-line, be yourself. Don’t try and change to fit in. Be you because you are great!

Less scrolling, more living!


Turing Scheme 2022

Matrix Academy Trust can proudly announce that we have been successful in two bids for the new Turing Scheme. We will therefore be able to offer experiences across all five Matrix secondary schools for 100 pupils to go abroad to experience life in Spain or Germany in 2022. The Turing Scheme replaces the Erasmus project, which, for many years, has supported pupils to travel, learn and study internationally.

We will shortly be opening applications for 10 Year 8 pupils to apply to go on the Turing Germany project and a further 10 Year 9 pupils to apply to go on the Turing Spain project. Our projects are planned to take place in Fulda near Frankfurt in Germany and the Costa Del Sol in Spain.

For the successful applicants this will be a life-changing opportunity: the chance to travel internationally, working alongside other pupils from the Matrix Academy Trust schools and meeting German or Spanish pupils. Pupils taking part will also take part in pre-mobility work between schools to learn about the host countries culture, language, food, schools and ways of life.


Open Morning 2021


Following our Open Evening on 16th September and Open Morning on 17th September, we are having another Open Morning on Friday 1st October, from 9am until 10pm. You will need to arrive for 9am to hear the Headteacher’s presentation. 

Space limited and tickets MUST be booked in advance.


Alumni News

We are delighted to hear that our former Head Girl (2015-16) has graduated in Medicine with a First Class Honours Degree – a fantastic achievement for a remarkable student.  Her Year 7 Form Tutor has a clear memory of a PSHE lesson when Lois shared her career aspiration:  “I want to be a doctor!”  And now, 12 years later, a doctor she has become!  Congratulations Dr Lois Guy-Hickson!  We are all very proud of you! We wish her well as she embarks on the next stage of her career.


Great Minds Tour Bus

The Staffordshire University Great Minds Tour Bus has visited our Year 7 pupils at Barr Beacon today. Pupils have watched a film in the on-board cinema, showcasing all the exciting courses you can study at university. On the top deck, pupils had a taste of the E-Sports course offered at Staffordshire. 


Golf Championship

J Donoghue in Year 10 has been selected to represent Barr Beacon and Staffordshire in the English Schools Boys Under 16 Golf Championship. 

It is a huge achievement to be selected to play as it is an England Golf National Competition and the Handicap requirement was very low.

The championship was held at Walsall Golf Club and J. Donoghue made the top 15 in the ESGA Under 16 Boys' Championship 2021 on Monday 19th July 2021, White Tees, Walsall Golf Club. An excellent achievement.


Prom 2021

Although Covid restrictions did not allow us to have our Year 11 prom off site we were able to quickly rearrange everything to have it at school instead. The event was very enjoyable with a range of food, entertainment, awards and dancing until late into the night. The evening ended with a bang with a firework display lighting up the school site.

A big thank you to all those who helped make the evening a success for our Year 11 cohort.

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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