On the afternoon of Wednesday 17th May, Sixth Form students took part in a Charity Colour Fun Run. Students enjoyed time having fun with their friends whilst getting some physical exercise – a welcome break from examination preparation.
We raised £84 which will be split between the two charities that we are supporting this year: Promise Dreams and Freedom From Torture.
Here are a few comments from students after the event:
“The colour run was a fantastic event: fun, loving and freeing. It was inclusive, well organised and it allowed us to let our hair down in a relaxed environment. I would definitely do this again!”
'The colour run was, once again, a blast! I made some great memories and like last time, I got covered in a plethora of colours. It was a wonderful and stress-free way to end the day during the exam season!'
“I thoroughly enjoyed the colour run. It was fun, full of laughter and was an experience I will never forget. I enjoyed both the run and the photographs afterwards. I cannot wait to do it again!”
“It was a fantastic afternoon which the whole year group enjoyed. It was great to get the whole of the Sixth Form together in some warm weather. It was worth the strange looks I got on the bus on my way home!”
“The colour run was a really fun experience with all my friends. It was a great event to do before our mock exams start. Hopefully we can do it next year!”