On 23rd March, Year 11 had their second PSHE day. Pupils rotated between themes, half the year group learning about relationships and sex education including sessions about contraception provided by Umbrella, sessions on STIs provided by NHS nurses and a session from Walsall Street Teams about consent and healthy relationships. In addition to this, pupils learned about how to self-check for cancer and marriage and parenting. In the other rotation, pupils learned about ideas and beliefs around animal testing and abortion as well as the environment and wealth. There were also sessions on democracy and government, international law and human rights as well as personal finance, tax, investment and pensions.
We believe that preparation for life after school and personal development are essential to our pupils’ success and pupils have worked hard, discussing important issues and considering matters that they will have to make life decisions about in their futures.
We would like to extend our gratitude to our staff for their hard work and the outside agencies that joined us to make the day such a success.