The King's bunting

To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III pupils in years 7,8 and 9 took part in #thekingsbunting celebration held by the Lord Lieutenant of the West Midlands. Pupils were set the challenge to make the bunting made of out sustainable resources. We had lots of fantastic entries made from a variety of sustainable resources such as recycled cardboard and upcycled bunting from previous celebrations. Pupils in 8M1 even created their own bunting out of recycled fabric which they hand sowed to create their masterpiece. 

To help judge the winning entry, Deputy Lieutenant, Mr Jatinder Sharma CBE, was invited into Barr Beacon School on Friday 5th May. As part of his Deputy Lieutenant duties, Mr Sharma met with Mrs Hibbs and a 6th form pupil K Owen, to plant a Magnolia Tree to commemorate the Coronation. He then went on to have tea and scones with 15 year 7, 8 and 9 pupils who had achieved the highest amount of praise points in their year groups. Mr Sharma spoke to the pupils about his role as Deputy Lieutenant and his plans for the Coronation Weekend. Pupils were also given the opportunity to ask Mr Sharma questions. The most popular question asked was if he had met the King, to which Mr Sharma answered yes, when he was given his CBE at Buckingham Palace in January 2023.  

Before leaving Barr Beacon School, Mr Sharma had the very difficult decision of deciding the best form group’s bunting. In the end, he chose 8C1’s bunting because of the intricate details that had gone into each piece of bunting. Mr Sharma was very complementary about the pupils he had met at Barr Beacon School stating “they were some of the politest pupils he has had the pleasure to meet” and that he would be telling King Charles all about them, the next time he was at Buckingham Palace.

"On Friday 5th May 2023,  myself and 4 other year 7s along with 5 pupils from both year 8 and 9 had tea and scones with the Deputy Lieutenant in Barr Beacon bistro. The scones were homemade and delicious! Each pupil got to talk and shake hands with the Deputy Lieutenant, he also told us about his badges and about all of his wonderful opportunities. The reason we all got to experience this is because of our high number of praise points that we earned in lessons. My favourite part was getting to listen to all of his fascinating stories associated with King Charles! We are so grateful to have been lucky enough to join in on this opportunity. It was amazing to meet the Deputy Lieutenant in person, especially on the week of King Charles coronation". By L. Scrivens 7B1

Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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