Summer School 2022

Year 6 pupils who are starting at Barr Beacon School this September attended a three-day Academic Summer School at Barr Beacon. This summer school consisted of a blend of academic, creative and sporting sessions. The aim of the Summer School is to provide our new Year 7s with the opportunity to further familiarise themselves with our school and its staff, receive pre-tutoring on topics that they will be studying during the Autumn term, and enable them to engage with children from other primary schools who will be starting Barr Beacon School in September. All 110 pupils were model pupils during these three days, and we were really proud of the way they threw themselves into activities. 
Our staff had a wonderful time engaging with our new pupils and the pupils themselves were effusive in their praise for the Summer School. 

 Leah said “ I made lots of new friends and got to know some of my teachers also”. This was a sentiment repeated by other pupils too and we are pleased that so many new friendships are blossoming amongst our new pupils. When asked how we could make Summer School even better next year Oliver said “ I would not improve Summer School. It was fantastic. I really enjoyed it!" Another pupil simply said, "make it longer". 

Arvind typified what we have heard from many other pupils when he said “ I enjoyed Summer School at Barr Beacon and can’t wait to join now.” 

We were delighted to receive contact from some of our parents too:

“Thank you so much for pulling this together as I can see how much work has gone into it. Harry said yesterday when I picked him up - “mum, I really can’t wait to start big school now I loved it!”  

“My daughter – Priya, attended the 3-day Summer School and absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for allowing this opportunity. She’s very excited to start in September, which is fabulous news!” 

“My Daughter has really enjoyed Summer camp! “ 

A big thank you goes out to our wonderful staff for making Summer School a wonderful experience for our Year 6 pupils. We can't wait to get everyone back together again in September when the new term starts.  

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Contact Info

Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 0121 366 6600

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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