We were delighted to welcome back over 130 Year 11 students who returned to school to take part in the Sixth Form Induction Programme. They arrived smartly dressed in business wear and the week started with a formal assembly where information was shared about expectations, dress-code and the mindset required to be successful in the next important part of their educational journey. Students spent 3 days attending lessons for their chosen courses, allowing them to get a feel for post-16 life; they experienced Study Hall sessions learning about how they are required to develop their independence and take ownership of using this time effectively; current Year 12 students shared their experiences and offered their top tips; and the week ended with a Team Building Day. The heavy downpours that day meant we had to move the activities indoors but the students still enjoyed taking part in each of the tasks, allowing them to develop their commination skills, confidence and logical thinking.
The students enjoyed the week and commented on how helpful it has been in preparation for September, when they will be starting their Key Stage 5 journey with us.
We are looking forward to seeing them again on GCSE Results Day – Thursday 24th August 2023.
Comments from students:
“I found the Induction Week very useful and it has helped me feel less nervous about joining Sixth Form in September. Not only did I experience taster lessons for my chosen subjects but it also helped me to understand what Sixth Form life will be like. The Team Building Day was enjoyable – I had fun completing all the tasks with my friends. It was a shame about the weather though!” Zach Thursfield-Smith
“I enjoyed the Sixth Form Induction Programme. I liked seeing all my friends again and experiencing what Sixth Form will be like. It was interesting to learn about what I will be doing in my chosen subjects and the Team Building Day was so much fun!” G Carlin
“I really enjoyed my Sixth Form Induction Week. My lessons were interesting, especially Sports and Exercise Science. I love how independence and organisation become a main priority and I have learnt lots of useful information and what is required in order to be successful in Sixth Form.” L Thorp
“I thought the Induction Week was great! It gave me a realistic idea of how Year 12 will be in September and I really enjoyed my lessons. I also thought it was helpful to know what I needed to do over the summer, like the summer tasks, and what stationery to bring in September. The Team Building Day was a fun and relaxing way to end the week!” H Herbet
“The Team Building day consisted of many tasks that required thinking, listening and leadership skills to guide us through. I managed to use these skills and work as a team with my friends as well as with some people who I don't usually speak to. It was an enjoyable day despite the rain!” J A Rajput