How we decided on grades
Every grade was decided by whole teams, not individual teachers.
To arrive at these Centre Assessment Grades, we undertook the process laid out by the Government.
Our process was lengthy and rigorous, with every teacher of each subject participating in a series of meetings.
We used all available forms of evidence for every single grade, including
- mock exams
- classwork
- homework
- coursework (where applicable)
- prior attainment (how you had performed in previous years)
- current effort
To eliminate any potential bias, all grade decisions had to be rooted in evidence. We did not consider any single piece of evidence on its own but considered each piece in the context of all of the others. This allowed us to form the most accurate picture possible of each pupil’s likely achievement in each subject had the examinations gone ahead. For instance, if a mock result was inconsistent with a pupil’s performance elsewhere, using just this on its own without triangulating with the other evidence had the potential to distort the Centre Assessed Grade.
Over a period of several weeks, every grade was discussed multiple times, as part of a rigorous quality assurance process. Only when we were confident that we had graded everyone accurately did we send the grades to the exam boards.
Sitting exams
If you want to sit the exams in the autumn, read the green sheet inside your results envelope carefully. Note the deadline for entries.
If you have concerns or queries about your grades: The Government’s exams watchdog Ofqual has produced this guide for students - HERE