Our Head Student, T.Hunt, was the driving force behind this unique and powerful fundraiser.
Sixth Form Ambassadors joined forces with him and they have spent the last two weeks promoting Movember, to staff and pupils, by taking orders for moustaches.
On Thursday, we held our ‘Wear a moustache for an hour!’ PSHE session. Staff, pupils and students wore fake moustaches to raise awareness of men’s mental health.
Discussions were based around how men can sometimes find it hard to speak openly about their issues and the message we wanted to get across and shouted loud about was ‘MEN’S MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS!’
Our younger pupils enjoyed spending time with our Sixth Form students. It was heart-warming to watch the interactions between them as they came together for this event.
We raised a total of £130.56. Thank you to everyone who supported this event to help make a difference to the lives of others.