To celebrate our most enthusiastic readers, 20 pupils across Year 7 and 8 were selected to enjoy a morning of Easter-themed activities, treats and socialising as a reward for their efforts in our Accelerated Reader programme. The Mini-Millionaires, pupils who have read (or almost read!) one million words, were drawn together to praise their dedication to reading and encourage a healthy competition among the most prolific readers in the school; as a result, we have readers topping the leader board between 700,000 and 2,000,000 words read.
We know that the more we read, the more readily pupils access the curriculum. Reading over a million words is a brilliant commitment not only to academic success but also a lifelong love of reading which will continue to open doors for our pupils for many years to come. Congratulations to all pupils selected and good luck to pupils who nearly ‘made the cut’ this time!