We are performing Lateral Flow Tests on pupils and staff who are asymptomatic (they don’t have Covid symptoms) each week. Anyone who is in contact with a confirmed case is tested each day for seven days (this is called serial testing).
Here is how the testing works:
Step 1. Register your details using your own device (Sixth Formers and staff) or one of our iPads (Years 7 to 11) and collect your barcode. This uniquely identifies your test and ties it to your name and the details you have given. Registration takes around 5 minutes.

Step 2. The registration assistant will let the testing assistants know that you have registered and one of them will take you to a private booth, screened from anyone else.

Step 3. Inside the booth, you will perform the swabbing of your tonsils and nose yourself, following the written instructions or by following the guidance from the testing assistant. They can offer any help you may request, for example by holding up a mirror or shining a torch if you are struggling to locate your tonsils.

And that’s it! You just take a seat for 30 minutes and wait for your result. Bring something to read! If your test is negative, you will be told you can go back to lessons. If it’s positive, you will be given further instructions.