We ended last half term by bidding farewell to our Year 13 students as they prepare to sit their final examinations over the coming weeks. Students enjoyed a Mexican themed lunch supplied by Buenas Burritos before settling down for their final formal assembly.
Teachers shared ‘good bye and good luck’ messages reflecting on their time with this cohort. Students were then reminded of the day that they started their journey with us, which for most of them was back in September 2017, to how far they have come, through a slideshow of photographs. Some haven’t changed at all whilst others are unrecognisable!
The Headteacher addressed the students and presented the Head Student Team with a token of our appreciation for all their contributions over the last twelve months. Following farewell messages from Form Tutors and the Sixth Form Team, a video of ‘out takes’ put together by the students themselves was also viewed! The event ended with the traditional ‘hat throwing’ photograph.
We wish the students all the very best for the remainder of their examinations and we are looking forward to marking the end of an era with them at the Leavers Ball later this month before celebrating their successes on Results Day in August.