Over the past four months, 20 year 10 pupils have been completing their social action projects as part of the Diana Award. The Diana Awards Mentoring Programme works with schools and businesses to give young people an insight into the world of work and offer careers and citizenship skills training. Pupils are matched with a Mentor from the world of work, who work alongside the organisation’s Youth Facilitator to guide the group of pupils through the programme. Mentors also support the pupils to plan a social action project around a topic in their community or globally, of which they feel passionate about. Barr Beacon Pupils were extremely fortunate to work alongside Tom who is a senior advisor at the HSBC. Some of this year’s social action projects included: setting up a charity providing support for mothers, the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis on children and food poverty. All pupils were extremely passionate in their presentations and have successfully achieved their Award. Well done to all pupils involved.