As with every organisation there are always inspections, for the Combined Cadet Force we have the Biennial Review. So on 7th June 2023 our Staff & Cadets were honoured to host the Regional Commandant for the Wales & West Region, Group Captain R Simon who this year was our Reviewing Officer (RO). The Group Captain was accompanied our Headteacher Mrs Hibbs, and Major Simon Cuthbert (School Cadet Expansion Officer West Midlands) for the duration of his review visit.
The review began with a working lunch where all of the contingent staff were given the opportunity to discuss cadet force issues both within the school and the wider organisation. The Group Captain was pleased to see and hear that the staff were in good spirits and that the cadet forces within Barr Beacon School were thriving, both from the number of students taking part but also the rapid expansion of activities that we were able to offer throughout the year.
We moved on to the main event – the reason why we were all here, to see the cadets taking part in activities delivered by our staff. The RO was escorted by our very own Flight Sergeant’s K Owen & J Martin (two of our 6th Form Students), who were asked all sorts of relevant questions about life as a cadet here in Barr Beacon School - both good and bad. This was the first time that either of them had been involved in a high profile visit, especially one by the Commandant of the region.
There were a series of activities that all of our cadets displayed throughout the afternoon which demonstrated the scope of what the school offers for our youngsters Activities that were on display included Drill, Command/Team Building tasks, First Aid, Target Shooting and Fieldcraft. At each station the Group Captain observed the activity, asked questions to the instructing staff and then more importantly asked for feedback from the cadets directly. It was a great opportunity for RO to gain vital feedback from the cadets about how they see the CCF in school. The RO especially was impressed by the high standard of our cadets target shooting, something that we have spent time improving throughout the year. Mr Best and A/Plt Off Garner displayed how our cadets learn to problem solve, and lead teams with a range of difficult command tasks. Group Captain Simon was then shown our latest project – the fieldcraft training area here on the school site. It has been the newest addition to the CCF here at school and allows the cadets to practice all of the skills we teach them in a safe bespoke area. The last stand of the day was the Fieldcraft activity, where I had the pleasure of passing on some of my knowledge and skills in camouflage & concealment, Patrolling formations, and tactical awareness to our students. The cadets all enjoyed practising with cam-cream, and displaying their knowledge of why things are seen to the visiting staff. The RO even allowed the cadets to judge my camouflage skills.
Sadly the afternoon had finally reached the end and we all formed up for a final parade and a few words from the Group Captain prior to his departure. All of our cadets showed what an amazing opportunity the CCF is through the wide range of activities it has to offer our students. A very big well done to all of our cadets and staff!!!
Staff Sergeant Doble DJ
Senior School Staff Instructor
We are now recruiting for the new school year. For application forms or more information please speak to SSgt Doble/Flt Lt Muller in school or contact us at postbox.
If your child would like to join the Combined Cadet Force here at school, you would like to know more about our RAF cadets, or the impending Army Cadets please get in touch at: