As our Year 12 students continue to prepare for their future steps, they visited the Open Day at Aston University. They experienced a taste of life at university through attending lectures in a variety of subjects areas such as Computer Science, Psychology, Business Management, Nursing and Law, seeing the facilities that the university offers and meeting lecturers and student ambassadors. This visit gave them a fantastic opportunity to explore what university has to offer and to begin to make important choices about their future.
Nikita M: “I really enjoyed having the freedom to choose the lectures that I could attend and went to the Business & Management lecture.”
Yasmin C: “I enjoyed learning more about the courses and it gave me an insight into the university process and what you do in the 4 years. It also gave me clarity on the subject I want to study.”
Karum K: “I enjoyed the opportunity of attending a university when it is busy, experiencing the atmosphere and what it might be like full of students.”
Naran C: “I enjoyed the Accounting and Finance lecture as it was informative.”
Jude M: “I really enjoyed the tours of the university and experiencing all that university life has to offer.”