To celebrate World Mental Health Day 2023 Barr Beacon pupils listened to an assembly on this years global theme - ‘Mental Health is a Universal Right’. Within this assembly, pupils learnt about the Human Rights Act of 1998, in particular article 14 which states that people have the right not to be discriminated against. Pupils then learnt what discrimination was and the impact it can have on someone. Within the assembly, pupils saw the familiar faces of celebrities who have all experienced mental health. This highlighted the assemblies key point - that mental health doesn’t discriminate, so why should anyone discriminate against those who experience mental health? Finally, pupils learnt how to have positive conversations about mental health and what support is available for pupils at Barr Beacon School who might be struggling.
Within their form groups, pupils had the opportunity to try some calming mental health strategies such as breathing techniques and grounding techniques. Pupils also reflected on how they could improve their actions to be more inclusive of mental health. Form groups all created and agreed on a pledge to help raise awareness and decrease the stigma that surrounds mental health.
Overall, World Mental Health Day was a success at Barr Beacon as pupils learnt about their rights and how to speak about mental health without discriminating. Pupils also reflected on their own behaviour and set targets accordingly, to ensure that Barr Beacon continues to be a supportive environment that embraces diversity and follows the Barr Beacon values.