Completing the Gold Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition was tough but incredible. The environment we were in was stunning, and it was amazing to hike through the Peak District. It was interesting to see the geographical land features I study in geography whilst out on our travels. Our group choose to look out for water features and the formations of rivers. This was highly prevalent within the area.
Due to the large amounts of rainfall that had fallen prior to our expedition, everywhere we went was really muddy and boggy, with some members of the team losing shoes in the thick mud. Alongside the mud, some of the routes were largely overgrown which created an assault course, with the easiest route down (with such large rucksacks) to slide down whilst crouching. It took a lot of will power to not laugh when one of our teachers fell over on a patch of mud whilst directly warning us to tread carefully.
I learnt how necessary it is for random conversations, and when given an ultimatum to either get in the mini bus to get the campsite or to continue going I learnt how much more rewarding it is to be resilient and continue even when it is so challenging. Will power and determination were crucial as we made it back to the campsite a little later than the other team but nonetheless without any assistance. My favourite part was getting to eat lunch in the ruins of an old mot and bailey castle, where I thoroughly devoured tomato soup and pancakes, a combination that I never expected to work.
With our group suffering from injuries towards the end, we learnt the importance of persistence and adaptability as the team worked on the distribution of equipment to accommodate for those who were struggling.
This expedition, however tough, was thoroughly enjoyable. I can’t wait to complete actual expedition.
K Owen Y12