You were emailed Induction Tasks for your options by Miss Hunt, on behalf of Mrs Osborne, at the end of March. We also shared the link to all Induction Tasks in your Conditional Offer letter.
We have been advising students since November to make sure that you have a backup plan in place. If you haven’t already done so then you need to make an application to a college or to a Sixth Form at another school. Please call or email the school if you need the support of our Careers Adviser.
As well as completing the Induction Tasks that you have been sent, you need to consolidate your GCSE knowledge for your A Level and BTEC subjects. All courses in Year 12 require a solid foundation of GCSE work. Dipping into A Level/BTEC content will also stand you in good stead. The best way to do this is to self-quiz material. We have done a video explaining this
We have not yet made a decision on this as we are waiting for further guidance from the Department of Education.
Email Mrs Osborne, sooner rather than later, so that she can check whether your new choices fit into the option blocks. A lot of our courses are now full so you may not be able to change.
Following the link that we sent you in your offer letter, work through the Induction Tasks of the subjects that are of interest to you. This should help you to make your final choice. Once you have decided, email Mrs Osborne so that she can check whether your new choices fit into the option blocks. A lot of our courses are now full so you may not be able to change.
No, you will not be allowed to study that particular subject. If this is the case, you will be asked to change your options on Results Day. You must meet the course requirements in order to continue studying that subject in Year 12. This is non-negotiable.
Please email Miss Killick, or call the school, and we will look into this for you.