Year 9 Pathways

The power is in your hands!

Up until now the subjects you study have been decided for you. This is a pivotal point as you will now be selecting some subjects to study in years 10 and 11. Making well informed choices about the next steps on your journey will allow you to access your desired pathway.

We have brought together a collection of information, advice and guidance to support you on this single webpage. We strongly advise you take the time to absorb as much of this as you can. 

We will be holding Pathways Information Evening on Tuesday 25th February 2025. You will receive information about the how the Pathways process works, what choices are available and more information about pathways subjects.

We will also be holding a Virtual Progress Evening on Thursday 6th March 2025. You can book appointments with teachers of subjects your child is interested in choosing.

The deadline for pathway choice submissions is Friday 21st March 2025.

Your Future Career?

When you choose your GCSE pathways it can help to think about possible future careers. Our best advice is to study what you enjoy or are interested in learning more about, as if you enjoy it then you will be more motivated to achieve the best grades. Your future employers or education providers will look closely at your Key Stage 4 grades, so give yourself the best chance of scoring highly by choosing to study subjects you will enjoy.

There is also some useful advice about choosing GSCE pathway on the Success at School and Find Your Future websites.

You can also request to have a discussion about your career plans with our Careers Adviser. Please email Miss Killick (Careers Coordinator) or your tutor, to request an appointment.