Welcome to Barr Beacon School. Thank you for choosing us and congratulations on securing a place for your child.
We are about to embark on a journey that could last up to seven years as your child begins in Year 7. During their time with us, your child will have a range of opportunities to achieve and excel. I encourage you to make the most of the provision we have in place and seize each moment.
My staff work tirelessly to ensure that every child succeeds and achieves their potential. The teaching and support staff are led by strong leaders who are just as ambitious for your child as you are. We firmly believe that every child should have high aspirations and we will work relentlessly to enable this for all Barr Beacon pupils.
We have high expectations of our pupils from their conduct and behaviour in school and out in the community to the way that they wear their uniform with pride. Alongside this we expect them to work hard to achieve success while enacting the Beacon Values.
Our website is an important source of information and communication holding a wealth of details for you to learn more about us. We use this platform to share and celebrate the wonderful achievements and successes of our pupils.
I know that you have chosen Barr Beacon School for our values and determination for your child to succeed. I look forward to welcoming your child on their journey with us and to working with you.
As you start to think about leaving Primary school and the move to Secondary school, you should remember why you chose Barr Beacon.
Proud to Succeed
Our school community is proudly diverse and we do not tolerate bias, prejudice or discrimination of any kind – whether conscious or unconscious – and we instil in our pupils nothing less than the urge to go out into the world and make it a better place.
Beacon Values
Uniform Expectations
Dress for Success
What Will I Learn?
You will study a varied and exciting curriculum. Click the button below to see what you will be learning about in each subject. In addition to your subjects, some pupils will have extra literacy, numeracy and spelling support.
House System
When you start at Barr Beacon School you will be placed into a ‘House’. This will be like your family at school and your Head of House will monitor all of your successes and any areas you might struggle with.
They will contact home to discuss ways in which we can work together to ensure that you achieve your best.
If you have any worries on a day to day basis, you’ll be able to talk to your Form Tutor who will work with your Head of House to help you resolve them.
At school you will have a 20 minute break in the morning. You can socialise with friends in the amphitheatre. If you want to buy food, you can purchase and eat refreshments in the school hall.
You can read in the iCentre or play table tennis with friends.
All of Year 7 have lunch at the same time so you will be able to see your friends. You can buy a meal deal which includes a drink for £2.00. You will need money on your Wisepay account to buy refreshments.
You can bring a packed lunch or buy a sandwich or sub roll at lunch time. Members of Leadership will be on duty during break and lunch time. You can view the school’s menu at HERE.
Where to Go?
Click HERE for an overview of the school site so you can see where some of our departments are located.
Many new pupils worry that they will get lost at secondary school. However, it is very easy to find your way around Barr Beacon, as each block is recognisable by a letter.
The different blocks are; A block, B block, C block, D block, E block, Success Centre and the Sports Centre. Every room has a room number on and your Form Tutor will take you on a tour of the school before your timetable begins when you start school. You can ask any me
Our school must be seen as part of a wider community which includes parents, carers, friends and neighbours, upon whose cooperation we depend.
We feel that home-school contact is important if pupils are to obtain the full benefit from their education. If you wish to contact the school on any matter, please write to or phone your child’s Head of House or email: postbox@barrbeaconschool.co.uk.
If you wish to see the Headteacher about a most serious matter, please write to, email the school postbox or telephone and make an appointment for a mutually convenient time. Relatively routine matters should always be referred to the Head of House in the first instance. Conversely, if serious problems present themselves at school, the Head of House or a senior member of staff will ask to see you. If this happens, the problem is serious and we ask for your full support in the interests of your child.
The school Newsletter and school letters are published electronically on our website to keep you informed about all school matters. We use a text messaging service to share updates with parents and carers. It is pivotal that you ensure the school has your most up to date contact details at all times to enable us to communicate and update you via our text message service.
Parents are expected to attend all Progress Evenings which are held virtually for each year group. Details will be sent out in advance and these meetings are seen as a vital part of the communication process between home and school. Other information evenings are also held for parents and details are published separately for these events on our school website.
At your child’s virtual Progress Evening you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and discuss their progress. If for any reason you are unable to attend your child’s Progress Evening, please inform the school. However, research has shown that children of parents who attend benefit greatly and we would urge you to support your child in this way.
Dates and times for virtual Progress Evenings are published on the school’s website. All appointments are booked and take place using an online platform, meaning that you will attend meetings online from anywhere that is convenient to you.
Year 7 Progress Evening will be held in the Spring Term.
Year 7 Settling-In Evening will be held on Wednesday 20th September 2022.
All pupils are required to do homework and it is expected that parents will ensure that an area at home is identified as suitable for completing homework.
Year 7: At least 20 mins per subject
Year 8: At least 25 mins per subject
Year 9: At least 30 mins per subject
Years 10 & 11: At least 45 mins per subject
A homework timetable is given to each pupil at the start of the school year, as well as a pupil planner where pupils record their homework and which parents / carers are asked to sign each week. Pupil planners are monitored on a regular basis by Form Tutors, Heads of House and Leadership.
Find out if you are eligible for Free School Meals
The School Day
Using Your Planner
- Record a copy of your personal timetable.
- Make of note of homework that is set and when it is due.
- Show your parents/carers what work is being set and pass messages to your Form Tutor.
- Record any detentions that might be set.
- Record any Catch Ups or Redo sessions with your teachers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Important Procedures
Popular Pages
Contact Info
Barr Beacon School
Old Hall Lane
Aldridge, Walsall
West Midlands
T: 0121 366 6600
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm