Welcome to Barr Beacon School
Mrs K Hibbs | Headteacher
I am proud to be the Headteacher of Barr Beacon School where success is achieved through hard work and dedication from staff and pupils.
My staff work tirelessly to ensure that every child succeeds and achieves their potential. The teaching and support staff are led by strong leaders who are just as ambitious for your child as you are. We firmly believe that every child should have high aspirations and we will work relentlessly to enable this for Barr Beacon’s pupils.
We have high expectation of our pupils from their conduct and behaviour in school and out in the community to the way that they wear their uniform with pride. Alongside this, we expect them to work hard to achieve success while enacting the Beacon Values.
Our website is an important source of information and communication holding a wealth of details for you to learn more about us. We use this platform to share and celebrate the wonderful achievements and successes of our pupils.
I know that you have chosen Barr Beacon School for our values and determination for your child to succeed. I look forward to welcoming your child on their journey with us and to working with you for the next seven years at Barr Beacon School.
Barr Beacon School joined the Matrix Academy Trust in 2014.
We have:
A shared belief that no child should fail.
A commitment to improving life chances of all pupils through outstanding teaching.
A belief that deprivation is not an excuse for underachievement.
The belief that the sharing of ideas will result in improved pupil achievement.
Opportunities for staff to coach and support each other through enhanced CPD.
Financial benefits with increased economies of scale.
New technologies used to develop innovative learning techniques to raise pupil achievement.
The ability to create leaders of the future, in staff and pupils.
For further information on the Trust can be found on their website www.matrixacademytrust.co.uk