Languages are difficult, but when we challenge ourselves by doing more academic subjects, we develop our thinking, problem solving and multitasking skills. Studies show studying a language can greatly help pupils with their Maths and English (in fact 75% of our words in English have derivatives in French, German or Latin).
Languages give you more opportunities at university and in the workplace. Some universities require you to have a GCSE in a language. Whichever profession you chose, communication is key. You will need to do a job interview at some point, you may need to present to your team, give feedback to a colleague, meet with stakeholders. Languages teach you communication. If, all of a sudden, you can communicate in another language for up to 10 minutes (which you will in your speaking exam), then presenting in English won’t be as scary.
Finally, to understand a language is to have an understanding and empathy towards others. In an increasingly volatile world, we believe that this understanding of different people, cultures and languages will help create a more cohesive world.